Public properties

Public properties can be used to change the default behavior of the installation, such as changing the default install directory, and changing the default version of the PC5250 Emulator. Public properties can be set at the command line or defined with a transform or in setup.ini.

To set a public property on the command line interface, where PUBLICPROPERTY is one of the public properties listed below, use the following syntax, as appropriate:
  • To set a single property specify: setup /vPUBLICPROPERTY=value
  • To set a single property by instance, specify: setup /vCWBINSTALLTYPE=PC5250User
  • To set multiple properties specify: setup /v"PUBLICPROPERTY1=value PUBLICPROPERTY2=value"
  • To set multiple properties by instance, specify: setup /v" CWBINSTALLTYPE=Custom CWBPRIMARYLANG=Mri2938 CWBPC5250VERSION=T"
When working with properties, you should only change the public properties listed here. Public property names must be entered exactly as shown.
Start of change


Sets a list of secondary languages to install.
Valid for a first time, release upgrade, and maintenance installs.
A comma separated list of language codes to be installed. Language codes have the form MRI29xx.
All secondary languages available on the installation image will be installed.
  1. To install all available secondary languages, enter setup /v"CWBADDSECLANG=ALL"
  2. To install German (MRI2929) and Spanish (MRI2931) secondary languages, enter setup /v"CWBADDSECLANG=MRI2929,MRI2931"
  3. To silently install all available secondary languages, enter setup /s /v"/qb CWBADDSECLANG=ALL"
Additional Notes:
  1. The values are not case-sensitive.
  2. To uninstall secondary languages, set the REMOVE public property to a comma separated list of MRI29xx language codes. Do not set REMOVE=ALL to remove all installed secondary languages, otherwise all features will be removed. You must enter each language that is to be removed. For example, enter setup /v"REMOVE=MRI2929,MRI2931"
End of change


Sets the setup type of a first time installation.
Only valid on a first time installation.
The default setup type is Complete.
Complete, Custom, PC5250User
For a complete installation setup type, enter setup /vCWBINSTALLTYPE=Complete
Additional Notes:
  1. The values are not case-sensitive.
  2. The CWBINSTALLTYPE property is ignored if upgrading from a previous release of IBM® i Access for Windows and in maintenance installations.


Sets the version for PC5250 Display and Print Emulator.
Valid for a first time install, a maintenance install (if the PC5250 Display and Print Emulator has not been installed), and an upgrade.
If the property is not used, then the code page of the PC is used to determine which version of the emulator to install.
Install the Korean version of PC5250 Display and Print Emulator.
Install the Simplified Chinese version of PC5250 Display and Print Emulator.
Install the Standard version of PC5250 Display and Print Emulator.
Install the Traditional Chinese version of PC5250 Display and Print Emulator.
To install the Korean version of PC5250 enter setup /vCWBPC5250VERSION=K
Additional Notes:
  1. If PC5250 is installed and you are doing a maintenance install, this property is ignored. To install a different version, remove the current version of PC5250 and then restart the maintenance install using this property.
  2. If PC5250 is installed and you are upgrading to a new release, this property is ignored. To install a different version, remove the current version of PC5250 and then start a maintenance install using this property.
  3. By setting this property, the PC5250 Display and Print Emulator feature will be preselected to be installed even if you do not pass the feature name to ADDLOCAL.


Specifies the default primary language to install.
This property is valid in first time, upgrade, and silent installs.
The default language will be the primary language if the source installation image is the LPP. This is determined by checking the mrisetup.ini file in the source directory. If the source is the DVD or other media, then the default language will be the NLV that matches the PC's locale, or what the user chooses for the user interface.
The language resources for MRI29xx are installed onto the PC and MRI29xx is set as the primary language for IBM i Access for Windows. xx specifies the language identifier.
To select a specific primary language and skip the primary language dialog, enter setup /vCWBPRIMARYLANG=MRI29xx
Additional Notes:
  1. If this property is not passed through the command line for a Basic, Reduced, or no UI level, then the default language is installed.
  2. If the CWBPRIMARYLANG property is passed on the command line, the Primary language dialog is skipped.
  3. During upgrades from a non-MSI installation, the Primary language dialog is not displayed and the same language will be installed.


Specifies whether the install process should detect and install System i® Navigator third-party plugins.
This is valid on first time installations, maintenance installations and upgrades.
Allow detection and installation of plug-ins.
No, Yes
To skip the detection and installation of plug-ins, enter setup /vCWBINSTALLPLUGINS=No
Additional Note:
The value is not case-sensitive.


Specifies which System i Navigator plug-ins to install during a silent installation (basic user interface, reduced user interface, and no user interface installations).
This is valid on first time installations, maintenance installations, and upgrades running on reduced, basic, or no user interface mode.
Path to cwbsilentplg.ini, which contains a list of plug-ins to install. The format of the file follows:
[Plugins] vendor.component=yes vendor.component=no
vendor is the company name and component is the plug-in name.
To install the IBM.BRMSPlugin and remove the LOTUS.QUICKPLACE plug-in during an upgrade or a maintenance install, create a file called cwbsilentplg.ini in the path C:\mywork. The file should contain this information:
Then at the command line, enter: setup /vCWBSILENTPLG=c:\mywork
Additional Note:
If you are using a silent install but do not specify CWBSILENTPLG, no plug-ins will be installed or removed. If you are performing a non-silent installation, then this property is ignored.
Start of change


Allows the user to upgrade the SSL files when migrating from a previous release.
Valid for a first time install and an upgrade install (full UI and silent)
If the configuration files for SSL configuration files are found on the target PC, update the files with the latest certificates.
YES (Default)
The files are upgraded and old certificates are merged with new ones.
New certificates are not added to the old certificates.
To not update the certificates when upgrading of fresh installing, enter: setup /vCWBUPGSSLFILES=NO
Additional Note:
This property allows the customer to upgrade SSL certificates with the latest certificates when upgrading to the latest release. Old certificates are kept and new certificates are added.
End of change

ADDLOCAL (Windows Installer property)

List of features that are to be installed locally.
Valid for a first time installation, a maintenance installation, or an upgrade.
None. If the public property is not used, then the selections made during the installation wizard or transform (if provided) determine what is installed.
Install all features listed in the Feature table locally.
one or more valid feature names
See Using command line parameters to change the installation behavior for a list of feature names.
See Using command line parameters to change the installation behavior for examples.
Additional Notes:
  1. The features must be listed in the Feature table.
  2. Feature names are not case sensitive.
  3. Do not enter ADDLOCAL=ALL into the Property Table, because this generates a locally installed package that cannot be correctly removed.

REMOVE (Windows Installer property)

Specifies features that are to be removed.
Valid only when the product is installed.
None. If this public property is not used, then the selections made in the installation wizard determine any features to remove.
Remove all features having an install level greater than 0. Features having an install level of 0 are not removed.
See Using command line parameters to change the installation behavior for examples.
Additional Notes:
  1. The features must be listed in the Feature table. See Using command line parameters to change the installation behavior for a list of feature names.
  2. Feature names are not case sensitive.

REBOOT (Windows Installer property)

Suppresses certain prompts for a reboot of the system.
This is valid for first time and upgrade and maintenance installs.
Suppress (or S)
Suppress reboots at the end of the installation.
Force (or F)
Attention: Start of changeDo not use this property value because it interferes with the installation of IBM i Access for Windows language features.End of change
To keep the system from rebooting at the end of an installation enter setup /v”REBOOT=Suppress” or setup /v”REBOOT=S”

INSTALLDIR (InstallShield Property)

Sets the installation directory for IBM i Access for Windows.
This is valid only for a first time install.
If INSTALLDIR is not specified, IBM i Access for Windows will be installed in C:\Program Files\IBM\Client Access.
Any valid path
To install IBM i Access for Windows on the C:\InstallPath directory, enter setup /vINSTALLDIR=X:\Install_Path where X is the destination drive letter and Install_Path is the target directory.

If the directory path contains spaces, use double quotation marks; one pair for the /v parameter and one pair for the INSTALLDIR property, as in the following example. Note that the interior quotation marks need to be escaped with a backslash: setup /v”INSTALLDIR=\”C:\Install Path\””


Set the destination directory for an administrative image when performing an administrative installation.
This is valid for an administrative installation.
If this property is not set during an administrative installation, Windows Installer sets it to the first connected network drive it finds.
A valid path.
To set the destination directory for an administrative image, enter: setup /a v/TARGETDIR=X:\Admin_image where X: is the destination drive letter and Admin_image is the target directory.

If the directory path contains spaces, use double quotation marks; one pair for the /v parameter and one pair for the TARGETDIR property, as in the following example. Note that the interior quotation marks need to be escaped with a backslash: setup /a /v”TARGETDIR=\”C:\Admin Image\””