javah - Generate C header or stub file

The javah tool facilitates the implementation of Java™ native methods. It is compatible with the javah tool that is supplied by Sun Microsystems, Inc. with a few exceptions.

Note: Writing native methods means that your application is not 100% pure Java. It also means that your application is not directly portable across platforms. Native methods are, by nature, platform or system specific. Using native methods may increase your development and maintenance costs for your applications.

The javah tool is available using the Qshell Interpreter. It reads a Java class file and creates a C-language header file in the current working directory. The header file that is written is a Stream File (STMF). It must be copied to a file member before it can be included in a C program on i5/OS.

The javah tool is compatible with the tool that is provided by Sun Microsystems, Inc. If the following options are specified; however, the system ignores them:

Ignored option Description
-td The javah tool does not require a temporary directory.
-stubs Java on System i® only supports the Java Native Interface (JNI) form of native methods. Stubs were only required for the pre-JNI form of native methods.
-trace Relates to the .c stub file output, which Java on IBM® i does not support.
-v Not supported.
Note: The -jni option must always be specified. The system does not support native method implementations before JNI.