Common syntax for tuning commands

Review the syntax for all the tuning commands.

The no, nfso, vmo, ioo, raso, and schedo tuning commands all support the following syntax:
command [-p|-r] {-o tunable[=newvalue]} 
command [-p|-r] {-d tunable} 
command [-p|-r] -D 
command [-p|-r] [-F]-a 
command -h [tunable] 
command [-F] -L [tunable] 
command [-F] -x [tunable] 
The flags of the tuning command are:
Item Descriptor
-a Displays current, reboot (when used in conjunction with -r) or permanent (when used in conjunction with -p) value for all tunable parameters, one per line in pairs tunable = value. For the permanent options, a value is displayed for a parameter only if its reboot and current values are equal. Otherwise, NONE is displayed as the value. If a tunable is not supported by the running kernel or the current platform, "n/a" is displayed as the value.
-d tunable Resets tunable to default value. If a tunable needs to be changed (that is, it is currently not set to its default value) and is of type Bosboot or Reboot, or if it is of type Incremental and has been changed from its default value, and -r is not used in combination, it is not changed, but a message displays instead.
-D Resets all tunables to their default value. If tunables needing to be changed are of type Bosboot or Reboot, or are of type Incremental and have been changed from their default value, and -r is not used in combination, they are not changed, but a message displays instead.
-F Forces display of restricted tunable parameters when the options -a, -L, or -x are specified alone on the command line to list all tunables. When -F is not specified, restricted tunables are not included in a display unless specifically named in association with a display option.
-h [tunable] Displays help about tunable parameter. Otherwise, displays the command usage statement.
-o tunable[=newvalue] Displays the value or sets tunable to newvalue. If a tunable needs to be changed (the specified value is different than current value), and is of type Bosboot or Reboot, or if it is of type Incremental and its current value is bigger than the specified value, and -r is not used in combination, it is not changed, but a message displays instead.

When -r is used in combination without a new value, the nextboot value for tunable is displayed. When -p is used in combination without a new value, a value is displayed only if the current and next boot values for tunable are the same. Otherwise, NONE is displayed as the value. If a tunable is not supported by the running kernel or the current platform, "n/a" is displayed as the value.

-p When used in combination with -o, -d or -D, makes changes apply to both current and reboot values; that is, turns on the updating of the /etc/tunables/nextboot file in addition to the updating of the current value. This flag cannot be used on Reboot and Bosboot type parameters because their current value cannot be changed.

When used with -a or -o flag without specifying a new value, values are displayed only if the current and next boot values for a parameter are the same. Otherwise, NONE is displayed as the value.

-r When used in combination with -o, -d or -D flags, makes changes apply to reboot values only; that is, turns on the updating of the /etc/tunables/nextboot file. If any parameter of type Bosboot is changed, the user will be prompted to run bosboot.

When used with -a or -o without specifying a new value, next boot values for tunables are displayed instead of current values.

-x [tunable] Lists the characteristics of one or all tunables, one per line, using the following format:
tunable,current,default,reboot, min,max,unit,type,{dtunable } 
     current = current value
     default = default value 
     reboot = reboot value 
     min = minimal value 
     max = maximum value 
     unit = tunable unit of measure 
     type = parameter type: D(for Dynamic), S(for Static), 
            R(for Reboot), B(for Bosboot), M(for Mount), 
            I(for Incremental), C (for Connect), and 
            d (for Deprecated)
     dtunable = space separated list of dependent tunable 
-L [tunable] Lists the characteristics of one or all tunables, one per line, using the following format:
NAME            CUR    DEF    BOOT   MIN    MAX    UNIT           TYPE 
memory_frames   128K   128K                        4KB pages         S 
maxfree         128    128    128    16     200K   4KB pages         D 
     CUR  = current value
     DEF  = default value 
     BOOT = reboot value 
     MIN  = minimal value 
     MAX  = maximum value 
     UNIT = tunable unit of measure 
     TYPE = parameter type: D (for Dynamic),S (for Static),
                            R (for Reboot),B (for Bosboot),
                            M (for Mount), I (for Incremental),
                            C (for Connect), and d (for Deprecated) 
     DEPENDENCIES = list of dependent tunable parameters, 
                    one per line 

Any change (with -o, -d or -D) to a restricted tunable parameter will result in a message being displayed to warn the user that a tunable of the restricted use type has been modified and, if the -r or -p options are also specified on the command line, the user will be prompted for confirmation of the change. In addition, at system reboot, the presence of restricted tunables modified to a value different from their default using a command line specifying the -r or -p options will cause the addition of an error log entry identifying the list of these modified tunables.

Any change (with -o, -d or -D flags) to a parameter of type Mount will result in a message displays to warn the user that the change is only effective for future mountings.

Any change (with -o, -d or -D flags) to a parameter of type Connect will result in the inetd daemon being restarted, and a message will display to warn the user that the change is only effective for socket connections.

Any attempt to change (with -o, -d or -D flags ) a parameter of type Bosboot or Reboot without -r, will result in an error message.

Any attempt to change (with -o, -d or -D flags but without -r) the current value of a parameter of type Incremental with a new value smaller than the current value, will result in an error message.