Globalized regular expression subroutines

Programs that contain globalized regular expressions can use the regcomp, regexec, regerror, regfree, and fnmatch subroutines.

The following subroutines are available for use with globalized regular expressions.

Compiles a specified basic or extended regular expression into an executable string.
Compares a null-terminated string with a compiled basic or extended regular expression that must have been previously compiled by a call to the regcomp subroutine.
Provides a mapping from error codes returned by the regcomp and regexec subroutines to printable strings.
Frees any memory allocated by the regcomp subroutine associated with the compiled basic or extended regular expression. The expression is no longer treated as a compiled basic or extended regular expression after it is given to the regfree subroutine.
Checks a specified string to see if it matches a specified pattern. You can use the fnmatch subroutine in an application that reads a dictionary to find which entries match a given pattern. You also can use the fnmatch subroutine to match path names to patterns.