Using specification files for system WPARs

You can create a WPAR with all of the options from a specification file using the -f flag for the mkwpar command.

To use a specification file to create a system WPAR, run the mkwpar command as follows:
mkwpar -f /tmp/specfile1
To create a specification file as part of the WPAR creation process, run the following mkwpar command with the -o flag:
mkwpar -n wpar_name -o /tmp/specfile2
Note: If the name of the system WPAR is provided in the specification file, the -n flag is not required.
The specification file reflects the settings being used to create the WPAR.
To generate a specification file without creating the WPAR, run the following mkwpar command with the -w flag and the -o flag:
mkwpar -o /tmp/specfile3 -w
For a comprehensive description of the format and permitted contents of a specification file, see the /usr/samples/wpars/sample.spec file.