Configuring directories and file systems for system WPARs

You can override the default location of the file systems for a system WPAR using the mkwpar command with the -d option.

By default, the file systems for a new system WPAR are located in the /wpars/wpar_name directory.

You can override the default location using the following command:
mkwpar -n wpar_name -d /newfs/wpar_name
For safety and security, the specified base directory must meet the following criteria:
  • The directory must be empty.
  • The directory must not be a registered file system in the /etc/filesystems directory.
  • The directory must have permissions of 755 (rwxr-xr-x).
  • The parent directory of the base directory (/newfs, in the example) must have permissions of 700 (rwx------).
You can also change the base directory of an existing system WPAR, using the following command:
chwpar -d /newfs/newbase wpar_name
The same criteria apply for changing the base directory with the chwpar command. The base directory can only be changed on a stopped system WPAR.