Workload management class report

To print the class report, specify the -W flag.

This report contains all the columns detailed in the common summary metrics as well as its own defined here:

Class or Superclass
Indicates the class or superclass name.

The -O subclass=on option can be added to display the list of subclasses.


  1. To display memory statistics about all WLM classes in the system, enter:
    # svmon -W -O unit=page,commandline=on,timestamp=on
    Command line : svmon -W -O unit=page,commandline=on,timestamp=on 
    Unit: page                                                   Timestamp: 10:41:20
    Superclass                           Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
    System                              121231    94597    19831   135505
    Unclassified                         27020     8576       67     8659
    Default                              17691       12     1641    16491
    Shared                               15871        0        0    13584
    Unmanaged                                0        0        0        0

    In this example, all the WLM classes of the system are reported. Since no sort option was specified, the Inuse metric (real memory usage) is the sorting key. The class System uses 121231 pages in real memory. 94597 frames are pinned. The number of pages reserved or used in paging space is 19831. The number of pages allocated in the virtual space is 135505.

  2. To display memory statistics about all WLM classes and subclasses in the system, enter:
    # svmon -W -O subclass=on -O unit=page,commandline=on,timestamp=on
    Command line : svmon -W -O subclass=on -O unit=page,commandline=on,timestamp=on 
    Unit: page                                                   Timestamp: 10:43:18
    Superclass                           Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
    System                              120928    94609    19831   135202
    System.Default                      120928    94609    19831   135202
    System.Shared                            0        0        0        0
    Unclassified                         27020     8576       67     8659
    Default                              17691       12     1641    16491
    Default.Default                      17691       12     1641    16491
    Default.Shared                           0        0        0        0
    Shared                               15871        0        0    13584
    Shared.Default                       15871        0        0    13584
    Shared.Shared                            0        0        0        0
    Unmanaged                                0        0        0        0

    In this example, all the WLM classes and sub-classes of the system are reported. Since the no sort option was specified, the Inuse metric (real memory usage) is the sorting key. The class System uses 120928 pages in real memory, they are split into 120928 pages in the System Default sub-class, and no pages in the Shared sub-class.