Workload management tier report

To print the tier report, specify the -T flag.

This report contains all the columns detailed in the common summary metrics as well as its own defined here:

Indicates the tier number
The optional column heading indicates the superclass name when tier applies to a superclass (when the -a flag is used).

The -O subclass=on option can be added to display the list of subclasses. The -a <supclassname> option allows reporting only the details of a given super class.


  1. To display memory statistics about all WLM tiers and superclasses in the system, enter:
    # svmon -T -O unit=page
    Unit: page
    Tier                                 Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
       0                                137187    61577     2282   110589
    Superclass                           Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
    System                               81655    61181     2282    81570
    Unclassified                         26797      384        0     2107
    Default                              16863       12        0    15040
    Shared                               11872        0        0    11872
    Unmanaged                                0        0        0        0
       1                                  9886      352        0     8700
    Superclass                           Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
    myclass                               9886      352        0     8700

    All the superclasses of all the defined tiers are reported. Each Tier has a summary header with the Inuse, Pin, Paging space, and Virtual memory, and then the list of all its classes.

  2. To display memory statistics about all WLM tiers, superclasses and classes in the system, enter:
    # svmon -T -O subclass=on -O unit=page,commandline=on,timestamp=on
    Command line : svmon -T -O subclass=on -O unit=page,commandline=on,timestamp=on 
    Unit: page                                                   Timestamp: 10:44:31
    Tier                                 Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
       0                                181824   103185    21539   174250
    Superclass                           Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
    System                              121242    94597    19831   135516
    Class                                Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
    System.Default                      121242    94597    19831   135516
    System.Shared                            0        0        0        0
    Unclassified                         27020     8576       67     8659
    Superclass                           Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
    Default                              17691       12     1641    16491
    Class                                Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
    Default.Default                      17691       12     1641    16491
    Default.Shared                           0        0        0        0
    Superclass                           Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
    Shared                               15871        0        0    13584
    Class                                Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
    Shared.Default                       15871        0        0    13584
    Shared.Shared                            0        0        0        0
    Unmanaged                                0        0        0        0

    Details at sub-class level can also be displayed for each class of each Tier.

  3. To display memory statistics about a particular WLM superclass in a tier, with segment and per page size details, enter:
    # svmon -T 0 -a myclass2 -O segment=on,pgsz=on,pidlist=on
    Unit: page
    Tier Superclass                      Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
       0 myclass2                           36        4        0       36
         PageSize                Inuse        Pin       Pgsp    Virtual
         s    4 KB                  36          4          0         36
         m   64 KB                   0          0          0          0
    Class                                Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
    myclass2.Default                        36        4        0       36
        Vsid      Esid Type Description              PSize  Inuse   Pin Pgsp Virtual
         711         2 work process private             sm     19     4    0      19
       126a3         f work shared library data         sm     17     0    0      17
    Class                                Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
    myclass2.Shared                          0        0        0        0

    The statistics of all the subclasses, in the tier 0, of the superclass myclass2 are reported. The distribution between the different page sizes is displayed by the -O pgsz=on option. Then, as -O segment=on is specified, the subclass statistics are followed by its segments statistics. Finally, as -O pidlist=on' is specified for each segment, the list of process which uses it, is displayed.