Measurement and sampling

The splat tool takes as input an AIX® trace log file or (for an SMP trace) a set of log files, and preferably a names file produced by the gennames or gensyms command.

The procedure for generating these files is shown in the trace section. When you run trace, you will usually use the flag -J splat to capture the events analyzed by splat (or without the -J flag, to capture all events). The significant trace hooks are shown in the following table:
Hook ID Event name Event explanation
106 HKWD_KERN_DISPATCH The thread is dispatched from the run queue to a processor.
10C HKWD_KERN_IDLE The idle process is been dispatched.
10E HKWD_KERN_RELOCK One thread is suspended while another is dispatched; the ownership of a RunQ lock is transferred from the first to the second.
112 HKWD_KERN_LOCK The thread attempts to secure a kernel lock; the sub-hook shows what happened.
113 HKWD_KERN_UNLOCK A kernel lock is released.
134 HKWD_SYSC_EXECVE An exec supervisor call (SVC) has been issued by a (forked) process.
139 HKWD_SYSC_FORK A fork SVC has been issued by a process.
419 HKWD_CPU_PREEMPT A process has been preempted.
465 HKWD_SYSC_CRTHREAD A thread_create SVC has been issued by a process.
46D HKWD_KERN_WAITLOCK The thread is enqueued to wait on a kernel lock.
46E HKWD_KERN_WAKEUPLOCK A thread has been awakened.
606 HKWD_PTHREAD_COND Operations on a Condition Variable.
607 HKWD_PTHREAD_MUTEX Operations on a Mutex.
608 HKWD_PTHREAD_RWLOCK Operations on a Read/Write Lock.
609 HKWD_PTHREAD_GENERAL Operations on a PThread.