smgenprivkr Command


Generates server private key ring files.


smgenprivkr { server_name| -f list_file} -o organization -c country_code -d out_dir [ -k 512] [ -e mm/dd/yyyy]


The smgenprivkr command can be run on a machine that has been defined as internal certificate authority (CA).


Item Description
server_name The full TCP/IP name of the server. If the name specified is S, a private key ring file S.privkr will be generated in the output directory.
-f list_file The full path name of a file with the list of server machine names (one line with full TCP/IP name per server). For each server S in the list, a private key ring file S.privkr will be generated in the output directory.
-o organization Organization name (required for the server certificate).
-c country_code Two-letter ISO country code (required for the server certificate).
-d out_dir The output directory for the servers private key ring files.
-k 512 This option does not exist in the exportable version. The server's private key length will be 512. The default in the US version is 1024, in the exportable 512.
-e mm/dd/yyyy Expiration date for the server certificates. The default expiration date is two years from the date of issuing the command.


smgenprivkr S101.IBM.COM -o IBM -c US -d /usr/websm/security/tmp -e 12/31/1999

smgenprivkr -f /usr/websm/security/tmp/server.list -o IBM -c US -d /usr/websm/security/tmp 


Item Description
/usr/websm/security/SMCa.log Lists detailed information on all operations executed by the CA.