cachefswssize Command


Displays the work space size for a cache file system.


cachefswssize LogFile


The cachefswssize command displays the work space size determined from LogFile. This includes the amount of cache space needed for each filesystem that was mounted under the cache, as well as a total.

Exit Status

The following exit values are returned:

Item Description
0 success
non-zero an error has occurred.


  1. To display the work space size of the cache filesystems being logged in the file /var/tmp/samlog, type:
    cachefswssize /var/tmp/samlog
    The system displays similar to the following:
                                      end size:    10688k
                               high water size:    10704k
                                      end size:      128k
                               high water size:      128k
                                      end size:     1472k
                               high water size:     1472k
    total for cache
                                  initial size:   110960k
                                      end size:    12288k
                               high water size:    12304k


Item Description
/usr/sbin/cachefswssize Contains the cachefswssize command.