IBM Datacap, Version 8.1            

Creating custom pages

The VeriFine client generates a default verification panel for each page type automatically. It maps each of the fields in the document hierarchy into a two-column table. You can use VeriFine to replace the standard verification panel with a custom (static) panel.

To create and use custom pages:

  1. Create a custom panel layout with the Custom Layout Generator.
    1. Open the Taskmaster Web Custom Layout Generator (http://<server>/
    2. Create a layout by browsing to and selecting an .xml file, or edit an existing layout by browsing to and selecting an .ascx file.
    3. If you are creating a new layout, select a page in the Page menu, and click Generate.
    4. Move or resize any labels or fields, as wanted.
    5. Click Save Panel.
  2. Locate the panel layout file (.ascx) that you saved in Step 1.

    The file is in one of the following folders, depending on the version of Windows that you are using.

    • C:\ (the root of the C: drive)
    • C:\Users\< username>\AppData\Local\VirtualStore
  3. Rename the file to match the page type. For example, you might name the file Rental_Agreement.aspx.
  4. Move the .ascx file into the C:\Datacap\\Task folder.
    Important: You must repeat these steps for each custom page layout.
  5. Specify the custom panel in the task's setup.xml file.
    1. Start the Taskmaster Web client and log in the TravelDocs application with the admin account.
    2. Click the Administrator tab, and then click Workflow.
    3. Select the Verify task, and click Setup.
    4. In the Verify.set.xml - Webpage dialog window, scroll to the Custom web panels section and click the Use custom web panels check box.
    5. Enter a page type and the corresponding .ascx file name, for each of the custom pages that you created.
      Tip: You can mix custom page layouts with default page layouts. For example, if your application has 10 page types but you create only two custom layouts, specify just the two custom layouts. VeriFine uses the default layout for the remaining page types.
    6. Click Save and close the window.
      Tip: To revert to the default panels at any time, clear the Use custom web panels check box and click Save.
  6. Open a batch in the Verify task and confirm that the task is using the new custom panels.


Last updated: November 2013

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