IBM Datacap, Version 8.1            

Configuring additional VeriFine settings

You can configure additional VeriFine settings.

  1. Start the Taskmaster Web client.
  2. Log in to the application that contains the job and task that use the VeriFine client.
  3. Click the Administrator tab, and click Workflow.
  4. Expand the job that contains the task that uses VeriFine.aspx, and select the task.
  5. Click Setup in the Selected task details section.
  6. Scroll to the relevant section in the task.set.xml Webpage Dialog, and enter or select values for the corresponding parameters.
    1. To load pages, click the Load all documents check box in the Document startup section.
      Tip: This option loads all page XML files for the current document into a temporary folder. Use this option for cross-page validations that must access multiple pages within a document. However, this option adversely affects system performance.
    2. To load images, click the Load all images check box in the Document startup section.
      Tip: This option is enabled by default, and loads all images in a document when you open that document. Disable this option when you have large documents that require much time to load all of the images before the first page is displayed. Enabling this option delays the display of subsequent pages.
    3. To configure the batch tree view, enter values in the DCO Tree View section for Display variables.
      Tip: By default Taskmaster displays the type and status variables for each document and page. To add a variable, click the plus sign (+), or to remove a variable, click the minus sign (-).
    4. To customize background field colors, scroll to the Page Processing section, and in the Background field colors subsection, enter color values for the following field types:
      Field Default color
      Low Confidence fields yellow
      Invalid fields lightpink
      Normal fields white
      Tip: X11 color names are supported.
    5. To enable multi-pass verification, enter values in the Alternative or Blind texts section for DCO field alt text index and Blind confirm index. IBM® Datacap Taskmaster Capture applications can display the same page to multiple operators to ensure that accurate data entry and verification. The VeriFine client provides limited support for multi-pass verification that includes two-pass verification, whereas the AIndex client provides full support for multi-pass verification, including double-blind. For details, see Verifying in multiple passes.


Last updated: November 2013

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