Administering virtual application instances

Each deployment of a virtual application represents a running virtual application instance on the cloud environment. You can view and monitor deployed virtual application instances from the console.

Before you begin

Deploy a virtual application to the cloud environment. You must be assigned one of the following roles to perform these steps:
  • Workload resources administration role with permission to Manage workload resources (Full permission)
  • Workload resources administration role with permission to View all workload resources (Read-only)
  • Create new patterns
  • Create new catalog content
  • Create new environment profiles
  • IBM® License Metric Tool (ILMT) user

About this task

You can use the console, the command line interface, or the REST API to complete this task. For the command line and REST API information, see the Related information section.

For more information about operating system agents, services, and daemons that run in virtual application instances, refer to the documentation for the operating system.


  1. Click Patterns > Virtual Application Instances. The Virtual Application Instances page displays the list of virtual application instances that are currently available. The list is displayed in a table format, providing some basic details about each virtual application.
    The following functions are available for you to work with the list of virtual application instances:
    Refreshes the status of the virtual application and updates the fields on the Virtual Application Instances page.
    Create New
    Click Create New to create a new virtual application instance.
    Enter a term that is used to filter the virtual application instances that display on the page.
    Pattern type
    Select a pattern type from the list to display only virtual application instances that are based on that pattern type.
  2. Select the virtual application instance that you want to administer. Details about the virtual application instance display in the Virtual Application Instances pane.
  3. Use the options on the Virtual Application Instances pane to administer the virtual application instance:
    Toolbar options
    Stops a started virtual application instance. Associated cloud resources are not released.
    Starts a stopped virtual application instance.
    The Instance Console displays. You can complete the following tasks from this console:
    • Click Monitoring to view advanced monitoring details and operations for the virtual machines or middleware by selecting the corresponding submenu. For more information about monitoring, see the Related tasks section.
    • Click Logging to view and download the logs.
    • Click Operations to view the operations for the instance. Use this tab to update operations that are associated with the instance. The following list shows some of the operations that might be available:
      Note: Some of the following operations might not be available for all virtual application instances, and some virtual application instances might have more operations.
      • AGENT: To update trace settings, enter the trace string in the Trace string applied to the agent field. Enter the trace file name, such as trace.log, in the Trace File Name field. Enter the maximum file size in the Trace Max File Size field. Enter the maximum number of trace files in the Trace Max File Size field. Click the Append to trace file check box to append the trace file. ClickSubmit.
      • AUTOSCALING: To pause or resume auto scaling tasks, select Pause or Resume.
      • MAINTENANCE: Use this tab to install maintenance fixes. For more information about installing fixes, see the Related tasks section.
      • MONITORING: To connect or disconnect the operating system and workload monitoring agents to the monitoring service that is defined in the service registry, select or clear the Connect check box. Click Submit. To start or stop monitoring of the WebSphere® Message Broker, click Submit.
      • SSH: To add or update the virtual machine SSH public key, type the public key in the Public Key field and click Submit. To remove the virtual machine SSH public keys, click Submit.
    • Click Links to view the endpoint links for the instance.
    • Click Main Console to go back to the console.
    Click Maintain to put the virtual application instance in maintenance mode. Use maintenance mode when you apply fixes or other upgrades to virtual applications. When a virtual application instance is in maintenance mode, you can stop and start the individual role virtual machines within the application without activating the recovery or scaling policies. After you are finished with the instance in maintenance mode, click Resume to remove the instance from maintenance mode.

    When an instance is running in maintenance mode, it runs as normal; however some accommodations are made so that the instance can be maintained while it is running. An instance that is in maintenance mode has several features that are suppressed such as auto scaling and auto recovery, and you can manually start and stop virtual machines. When a virtual application instance is running in maintenance mode, click Stop to initiate scripts that ensure that middleware that is running on the virtual machine can be stopped safely.

    Removes the virtual application instance from the cloud. Associated cloud resources are released.
    Refreshes the status of the virtual application instances and updates the fields on the Virtual Application Instances pane.
    Details for the selected virtual application instance
    Shows the name of the virtual application instance.
    Created by
    Shows the user who deployed the virtual application instance.
    Access granted to
    Specifies the user who first deployed the virtual application instance. This user is automatically granted all access to the virtual image as the owner. If you want more users to access this virtual system instance, you must grant access to those users. For more information, see the Related concepts section.
    Shows the ID associated with the deployment.
    Shows the status and health status of the deployment.
    The status values are listed in the following table:
    Table 1. Possible status values for a deployment
    Status Deployment description Virtual machine description
    Error An error occurred during deployment. Check the logs and determine the cause of the error before you redeploy the virtual application. The virtual machine status.
    Failed The deployment process could not be started because of either the application configuration or a failure that is occurring in the infrastructure cloud. The virtual machine did not start successfully.
    Installing Not applicable The components of the virtual application are being provisioned on the virtual machine.
    Launching The virtual application is being deployed. The virtual machine is being provisioned on the infrastructure cloud.
    Not_Ready The virtual application instance is in maintenance mode. The Not_Ready status does not apply to virtual machines.
    Queuing The deployment is scheduled for a date and time in the future.  
    Registering Start deploying the virtual machine by registering it with hypervisor.  
    Running Resources are actively running in the infrastructure cloud. The components of the virtual application are running on the virtual machine and can be accessed.
    Saferunning For more information, see Agent is running in safe mode.  
    Starting Starting the virtual machine.  
    Stopped The virtual application instance is stopped. The virtual application can be made available again by starting the instance. The virtual machine is stopped and it can be restarted.
    Stopping The virtual application instance is stopping. The virtual machine is being stopped.
    Stored The virtual application instance is stored. No processor, memory, network, or data resources are reserved for stored instances. The virtual application can be started only if resources are available. The virtual machine is stored. It can be started only if resources are available.
    Storing The virtual application instance is storing. The virtual machine is being stored.
    Terminated The virtual application instance resources are deleted. History files are retained. The virtual machine is deleted and resources were released.
    Terminating The virtual application instance resources are being deleted. The virtual machine is being deleted and its resources are released.
    Transferring Transferring the image to hypervisor.  
    Unknown The status cannot be determined.  
    Unknown status The status cannot be determined.  
    Using Environment profile
    Shows the environment profile, if any, that was used to deploy the virtual application instance by providing a link to that profile. Click the link to display details for that environment profile.
    Specifies the priority of the deployment (such as Low, Medium, or High).
    Select a deployment priority to change the deployment priority values for a High, Medium, or Low priority deployment:
    • Platinum - High(16) Medium(8) Low(4)
    • Gold - High(12) Medium(6) Low(3)
    • Silver - High(8) Medium(4) Low(2)
    • Bronze - High(4) Medium(2) Low(1)

    The deployment priorities available are determined by the environment profile used for the virtual application instance. For more information, see the Related tasks section.

    To change the current deployment priority:
    1. Click Change.
    2. Select the appropriate priority.
    3. Click OK.
    1. The virtual application instance must be in maintenance mode to change the deployment priority. To place the virtual application instance in maintenance mode, click Maintain.
    2. In a multisystem deployment subdomain, the deployment priority is distributed to all systems in the deployment subdomain. Each system in the deployment subdomain then changes the priority of the local deployments.
    In cloud group
    Shows the cloud group for the virtual application instance.
    Referenced shared services
    Shows the shared services that are referenced by the virtual application instance by providing a link to the shared service instance. Click the link to display details on the shared service.
    Pattern type
    Shows that pattern type that the virtual application pattern was built from. Click Check for updates to see whether any upgrades are available. See the Related tasks section for information about installing fixes.
    From pattern
    Shows the virtual application pattern that the virtual application instance was deployed from by providing a link to the virtual application pattern. Click the link to display details on the virtual application pattern .
    Includes a link to the snapshot image, if any, that was taken for this virtual application instance. The snapshot image is processed individually for each virtual machine in your instance, so it is not consistent across the virtual machines. If you want a consistent snapshot, stop your instance before creating the snapshot.

    When a snapshot is created through the console or command-line interface, all previous snapshots for the virtual machines in the instance are deleted, even snapshots that were not created by Cloud Pak System Software. After you create a snapshot, do not manually create a second virtual machine snapshot through the Cloud Pak System Software REST API. If you create this second snapshot, the next snapshot restore might use the newer virtual machine snapshot, and therefore the restored instance would be inconsistent.

    Use the following actions to work with the snapshot images:
    Create a snapshot
    Creates a new snapshot.
    Disable a snapshot
    Disables an existing snapshot.
    Enable a snapshot
    Returns a snapshot to the original state.
    Click the Restore icon to restore the snapshot image. The virtual machine will be stopped and the snapshot image restored.

    Click the Delete a snapshot icon to remove the snapshot image.

    Middleware perspective
    Shows the middleware that is running in the virtual application instance. Expand the section to view the details for that middleware.
    • Click the Endpoint link to display endpoint information. More than one endpoint is supported for a deployment with DB2®; for example, an endpoint for the application developer and one for the database administrator.
    • Name shows the name of the virtual machine where the middleware is running by providing a link to the virtual machine instance. Click the link to view details on the virtual machine.
    • VM Status shows the status of the virtual machine. Click the Logs link to view logs for the virtual machine.
    • Middleware Status shows the status of the middleware that you are viewing the details for.
    Virtual machine perspective
    Shows details for the virtual machines in the virtual application instance, including health status, general information, operating system information, hardware, and network information. See the Related tasks section for information about these fields.

    The resources that are allocated to a virtual application instance are listed in deployment.json, and are also displayed in the Hardware and network section for the virtual machine. Sometimes the memory that is allocated to a virtual image in a virtual application instance might be higher than the minimum memory requirement that is specified in topology.json because the value for the memory must be an integral multiple of 128. In this case, the system will increase the memory that is allocated to the instance to the next multiple of 128.

    Show the activity history for the virtual application instance.

What to do next

After you deploy your virtual application, use the IP addresses of the virtual machines to access the application artifacts.

To access your virtual machine after deployment type:
ssh -i id_rsa.txt virtuser@<your_workload_ip>
For SCP:
scp -i id_rsa.txt myfiles.txt virtuser@<your_workload_ip>
You can now log in to your virtual machine without a password.
To run a command with root access:
sudo /sbin/ifconfig
To gain root access:
sudo su - root

View and monitor statistics for your deployed virtual machines and download and view the log files.