Recovering from a UVREGEN installation exception

When you run an installation after a previous attempt that has not been cleaned up properly, you might encounter the error described here. You should not encounter this error if you rebooted the engine computer prior to your current installation process.


During installation, you encounter the following error message: CDIIN5063E: ExecuteDataStgeProcessAction UVREGEN failed with exit code 255. Error output is "INSTANCETAG tunable cannot be "dcd" or "ace". uvregen: error during regen, process aborted".

In addition, if you run the following command, you see output:

ipcs -a | grep -0xtag

where tag is the ITAG for the engine tier instance. For the IBM® InfoSphere® Data Click release, the tag is ade.


A recent removal or manual cleanup process did not successfully complete before you attempted the reinstallation.

Resolving the problem

  1. If you have not already done so, do not close the current installation process. The problem can be resolved and you will be able to resume installation when complete. Whether you closed the installation program or not, complete the following steps:

    1. Open a command shell and become the root user, either directly with the su command or through the sudo command if the current user is in the sudoers list.
      sudo su - root
    2. Find the shmids of the shared memory segments that are still open.
      ipcs -m | grep 0xtag | awk '{print $2}'
    3. For each shared memory segment that is listed, run the remove command:
      ipcrm -m shmid
    4. Find the semids of the semaphore arrays:
      ipcs -s | grep 0xtag | awk '{print $2}'
    5. For each semaphore array, run the remove command:
      ipcrm -s semid
    6. Ensure that all shared memory segments and semaphore arrays have been removed. You should see no output when you run the following command:
      ipcs -a | grep 0xtag
    7. Run the following action, which had failed during installation:
      cd IS_install_path/Server/DSEngine
      bin/uv -admin -settag -itag tag -force -noautostart
  2. Resume the installation process. Or, if you did close the installation program, restart it by using the response file so that you do not need to re-enter your values:
    1. The only values that the response file does not save are the passwords. Edit the response file and add the values for the passwords.
    2. If you closed the command shell from which you started the installation program originally, open a new shell as root and prepare the shell environment:
      export IBM_JAVA_OPTIONS=
      umask 022
    3. Run the installation program with the response file:
      setup -rsp response_file_name -uiMode graphical