Export command for InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage assets

You can use the istool command-line interface (CLI) to export assets to an archive file. The preferred extension of the archive file is .isx.


Use the DataStage command option with the istool export command to export IBM® InfoSphere® DataStage® and QualityStage® assets to an archive file on the local file system. You can then use the istool import command with the DataStage command option to restore the exported assets into a different IBM InfoSphere Information Server metadata repository.

Note: To transfer all assets of all types, see Moving all assets from one metadata repository to another.


You must have an InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage role that grants you permission to edit the assets that you are exporting.

The preferred way to run this command is in the istool command-line window. If you run this command in your operating system command-line window or in scripts, you must add istool to the command name.

Command syntax

Optional parameters and values in the syntax are enclosed in brackets, [ ].

authentication parameters
[generic parameters]
-archive "file_name_and_path" 
[-maxArchiveSize number_of_megabytes]
[-preview ] | [-responseFile "file_name_and_path"]
[-abortIfError number_of_errors]
-datastage '	 "dsServer[:port]/project/folder/asset_name.suffix"
   [ -base "server[:port]/project"]


authentication parameters
Required. All asset interchange commands use authentication parameters to connect to a specific installation of InfoSphere Information Server.
generic parameters
The generic parameters are available to all asset interchange commands. Use the generic parameters to request help on command syntax, to specify silent or verbose operation, and to use a script to run commands.
-archive |-ar "file_name_and_path"
Required. Specifies the .isx file that the assets are exported to.
-maxArchiveSize | -mas number_of_megabytes
For enhanced export and import performance, creates additional archive files when the size of the export file exceeds the specified number of megabytes. For example, if you specify 500 and the total size of the export is 1,300 MB, two additional archive files are created with numeric suffixes added to their names. For import, specifying the first archive file imports all. For more information, see common parameters.
-updatearchive | -up
Updates the archive file if it exists. If you do not specify -updatearchive, the content of the existing archive file is overwritten.
-preview | -pre
Specify this option to preview the export operation without exporting the assets.
-responseFile | -rf "file_name_and_path"
Specifies the name and path of a response file that contains assets that failed to export during a run of a previous istool export -ds command. Not supported with the -preview parameter. For more information, see Using a response file with istool export and istool import commands.
-abortIfError | -abort number_of_errors
Stops the export after the specified number of errors.
-datastage | -ds' "dsServer/project/folder/asset_name.suffix" '
Required. Specifies that InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage assets are to be exported. Specifies the paths of assets that are to be added to the export file. For more information, see Asset paths for InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage assets. You can copy and paste asset names from the InfoSphere Information Server manager.
You can use the following options:
-base "dsServer[:port]/project/[folder]"
Use the -base option to specify a base path. This path is then prefixed to all the asset path names that you specify. For example, if your base option specifies dsServer/project, then your asset path specifies only folder/asset_name.suffix. Specify the option within the single quotation marks (' ') that follow the -datastage parameter.
-includedependent | -incdep
Includes dependent assets such as related InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage assets and the data collections (database tables or data file records) that are related to table definitions. Data collections, also known as shared tables, are common metadata assets that can be used in data lineage. For example, if you export a job named myjob that uses the table definition named salesdata, then specifying -includedependent causes the table definition and any related database table to be automatically included when the job is exported. You can use the common metadata -cm parameter with -includedependent to add assets that are related to the included data collections. For example, the options -includedependent -cm '-includeAnnotations -includeContactAssignment' include any related data collections and the annotations and stewards of the data collections. For more information on common metadata options, see Export command for common metadata assets.
Excludes design objects from the export. Use together with the -includeexecutable option to export only runtime executables.
-includeexecutable | -incexec
Includes runtime executables. Some assets do not have executable components. If you use this option and an asset in the export does not have an executable component, a warning is generated but the export does not fail as a result.
Note: If you specify -includedependent, the archive file can include common metadata assets. When you import the archive file, you must specify the -cm parameter on the command line. Otherwise, the common metadata assets are not imported. For best performance, import the common metadata assets first, with a separate command.

Exit status

A return value of 0 indicates successful completion, any other value indicates failure. The list of exit codes is shown in the command help. Enter export -help to see the list of possible exit codes for the export command.

Error handling

When you are exporting more than one object, a failure does not interrupt the operation. If only one object is successfully exported, an archive file is still created. If no objects are exported, no archive file is created. The exit status reports an error if one or more objects cannot be exported.


The following command exports all assets in the project dstage1 and creates one or more archive files with a maximum size of 500 megabytes.
export -domain IIDEMO5 -username admin -password admin -archive 
c:\ds_archive.isx -maxArchiveSize 500 -ds 'IIDEMO5/dstage1/*/*.*'
The following command exports the parallel job named ajob from the project named proj on the computer named sliver. The job is located in the Mine subfolder of the Jobs folder. The command also exports all the server jobs in folder2 and its subfolders in the project named anotherProj on the computer named serv2. In this InfoSphere Information Server system, both sliver and serv2 belong to the same domain (sliver:9443). All the assets are written to the archive file C:\arc.isx.
export –domain sliver:9443 -username user1 -password pass1  	
-archive "c:\arc.isx"  -datastage  '	"sliver:5000/Proj/Jobs/Mine/ajob.pjb" 
"serv2/anotherProj/folder2/*/*.sjb"  '
The following command exports all the assets in the folder named tabledefinitions, and all the parallel jobs in the Pivotal subfolder of the Jobs folder. All these folders belong to the project named anotherProj on the computer named serv2. The –updatearchive option is specified, so if the specified archive file, C:\arc.isx, exists, the assets are added to the archive file. The -includedependent option is specified so that any shared tables that are related to the table definitions are also exported. The -cm parameter followed by the -includeAnnotations option includes any annotations for the shared tables.
export -domain sliver:9443 -username user1 -password pass1
-archive "c:\arc.isx" -updatearchive -datastage '-base="serv2/anotherProj" 
"tabledefinitions/*.tbd" "Jobs/Pivotal/*.pjb" -includedependent -cm 
'-includeAnnotations' '
The following example exports only job executables for the parallel jobs in the Jobs folder. The folder belongs to the project named dstage on the computer named sliver. No design time assets are exported. The job executables are written to the archive file c:\runtime.isx
export -domain sliver:9443 -username user1 -password pass1
-archive "c:\runtime.isx" -ds '-nodesign -includeexecutable
"sliver:5000/dstage/Jobs/*.pjb" '