Migrating InfoSphere QualityStage

Use one of these procedures to migrate InfoSphere® QualityStage®. You need to export the InfoSphere QualityStage assets that are on the source computer, and then import the assets to the target computer to complete the migration.

About this task

When you use istool, InfoSphere QualityStage assets can be exported and imported with InfoSphere DataStage® assets. When you export a project, all types of assets that are in the project are exported. If InfoSphere QualityStage and InfoSphere DataStage assets are in the same archive file, a single command imports them both. You do not need to issue separate commands to import the assets.

You can migrate InfoSphere QualityStage standardization rule sets and match specifications.

The IBM® InfoSphere QualityStage migration utility and the QualityStage Legacy stage are no longer available. If you have jobs that use stages from InfoSphere QualityStage Version 7.5.3 or earlier, you must configure the jobs to use the stages that are available in the current version. To manually migrate standardization rule sets from InfoSphere QualityStage, use the Version 11.3 import and export commands that are listed below.

You export assets by using the version of InfoSphere QualityStage or the istool command-line that corresponds to your source system. You import assets by using InfoSphere QualityStage, Version 11.3 or Version 11.3 of the istool command-line.
