Setting the locale and character encoding for the engine tier target computer

The installation program uses the locale and encoding information of the target computer to determine whether it can provide language support. For languages other than English, you must ensure that the locale and encoding are set correctly.

About this task

When you install IBM® InfoSphere® Information Server with globalization (NLS) support enabled, the installation program chooses the globalization configuration that is the most suitable for the locale and encoding of the target computer. To ensure that server jobs run and compile correctly, make sure that the target computer uses a supported locale and encoding. Set the encoding to UTF-8 to support a wide variety of languages.

If you do not set the target computer to use a supported locale and encoding, the installation program configures InfoSphere Information Server for the English language, including globalization support.

Complete the following procedure to set the locale. For information about setting the locale in Windows, see the Microsoft documentation.


  1. Log in to the computer.
  2. Enter the following command to determine the current locale:
  3. Enter the following command to list all available locales:
    locale -a
    The locale names that are returned by locale and locale -a might be full locale names or alias locale names. A full locale name contains the encoding name in the last component. For example, the full locale name ja_JP.utf8 contains the encoding name, utf8, in the last component. An alias locale name does not include the encoding name. To determine the encoding, you can run the following command:
    LANG=alias_name locale charmap
    where alias_name is the alias name. For example, the following command returns utf8 on a system where the locale ja_JP uses the utf8 encoding:
    LANG=ja_JP locale charmap
  4. If the target computer does not use a supported locale and encoding, change the LANG value to a combination that is available on your computer and that is supported by IBM InfoSphere Information Server.
    To change the locale and encoding, run the export command with the following format:
    export LANG={locale.charmap}
    export LC_ALL={locale.charmap}
    For example, the following commands change the locale to ja_JP and the encoding to UTF-8:
    export LANG=ja_JP.utf8
    export LC_ALL=ja_JP.utf8