Specifying execution options

You can specify whether your stage runs sequentially or in parallel, whether underlying operators can be combined into a single process, and whether the job should try to maintain data in current partitions.

The execution options are set on the Advanced tab of the Stage page.
  1. Specify the sequential or parallel execution in the Execution Mode list. If the execution mode for a particular stage cannot be changed, the list is not displayed.
  2. Specify the combinability mode by selecting an option from the Combinability mode list. Select one of the following options:
    Option Description
    Auto Use the default combination setting for this operator.
    Combinable Ignore the default setting and combine operators if possible.
    Do not combine Never combine operators.
  3. Specify whether the stage requires that the data partitioning is preserved by the next stage in the job by selecting one of the following options from the Preserve partitioning list:
    Option Description
    Set Specifies that the next stage must preserve data partitioning if possible.
    Clear Specifies the partitioning method that the next stage uses is not relevant.
    Propagate Specifies that the stage uses the option that the previous stage in the job has used.