APT_DEBUG_PARTITION specifies the partitions on which to start debuggers.

One instance, or partition, of an operator is run on each node running the operator. If set to a single number, debuggers are started on that partition; if not set or set to -1, debuggers are started on all partitions.

See the description of APT_DEBUG_OPERATOR for more information on using this environment variable.

For example, setting APT_DEBUG_STEP to 0, APT_DEBUG_OPERATOR to 1, and APT_DEBUG_PARTITION to -1 starts debuggers for every partition of the second operator in the first step.

not set any value no debugging
-1 not set or -1 debug all partitions of all operators
-1 >= 0 debug a specific partition of all operators
>= 0 -1 debug all partitions of a specific operator
>= 0 >= 0 debug a specific partition of a specific operator