
Authentication must take place between the MDM and Cloudant® sample service and Cloudant, and between clients and the MDM and Cloudant sample service.

The sample service operates in two modes whose properties are controlled by configuration files that reside in the top-level node directory.
  • Local environment: This mode is controlled by settings in the config_local.json file.
  • Bluemix™ environment: This mode is controlled by settings in the config_bluemix.json file.
Note: In the curl examples in the Query and API topics, you must add --user id:password to the invocation where user ID and password are set to the values in the authenticated_user.json file.

The MDM and Cloudant sample service is configured with a default authenticated user. Change these settings to protect your MDM data.

MDM and Cloudant sample service to Cloudant authentication

When the MDM and Cloudant sample service accesses the Cloudant database, it must authenticate through HTTP Basic Authentication. The user ID and password are specified in the config_cloudant.json file. As a best practice, you should provide credentials on a per-database granularity, and only for read and write access.

Client to MDM and Cloudant sample service authentication

Clients of the MDM and Cloudant sample service are authenticated through HTTP Basic Authentication, using a simplified model of one authenticated user. The ID and password of this user are specified in the authenticated_user.json file.

Last updated: November 6, 2015