Creating a response file without installing the product

Using IBM® Installation Manager and the -skipinstall option, you can record an InfoSphere® MDM response file without installing the product.

About this task

The -skipInstall parameter has the following benefits:

  • No files are actually installed, which speeds up the process of recording installation options.
  • If you use a temporary data location with the -skipInstall parameter, then Installation Manager writes the installation registry to the specified data location while recording. When you start Installation Manager again without the -skipInstall parameter, you can use your response file to install in the real installation registry.
Restriction: Do not use the -skipInstall option on the actual agent data location used by Installation Manager. This is unsupported. Use a clean, writable location, and then reuse that location for future recording sessions.


  1. Start IBM Installation Manager from the command line using the -skipInstall and -record options, using the following format:
    ./IBMIM -skipInstall <user_home>/var/temp/imRegistry -record <response_file_name>
    For example:
    ./IBMIM -skipInstall home/var/temp/imRegistry -record MDMResponse_file.xml
  2. Provide the details of your product installation as prompted by the Installation Manager panels.
  3. Click Install to complete the process.
    Because of the -skipinstall option, clicking Install generates a silent response file instead of actually installing the product.