Generating performance log reports

You can generate performance log reports to track performance for a given interval of time by using the madconfig utility generate_perfrpt target. The reports are based on performance logs gathered by the application server.

Before you begin

Be sure that you have enabled performance logging.

About this task

Performance logs are written to the MAD_ROOTDIR/log directory in the format perfmsgs.dat.YYYYMMDD, unless you changed the path as part of enabling performance logging.

To generate a report from the performance logging process, follow these steps.


  1. Open a command prompt.
  2. Go to the MAD_ROOTDIR/scripts directory.
  3. Type madconfig generate_perfrpt. The target prompts for all data required to generate the reports, including interval information.
  4. Go to the log output directory to view the report. If you changed the default location as part of the enabling performance logging procedure, then go to that directory. Otherwise, go to the MAD_ROOTDIR/log directory.

Last updated: 23 October 2014