MDM development projects for extending Physical MDM services

Before creating modifications, an InfoSphere® MDM module project for modifications must be created.

The MDM development project

The InfoSphere MDM module project contains a set of related modifications to InfoSphere MDM. You can create a MDM development projects to extend physical MDM services using the MDM Development Project wizard. This wizard generates the necessary components and bundle information used in the OSGi framework, as well as the metadata, application server information, database connection information, and other related content to enable you to begin creating the modifications you want for InfoSphere MDM.

Contents of the MDM Development Project wizard

When you launch the MDM Development Project wizard, there are two dialog boxes that appear in sequence: the MDM Development Project dialog box, and the MDM Development Settings dialog box:
MDM Development Project dialog box:
  • Project name: the name you assign the project you are creating
  • Use default location: select this to use the default workspace. Clear it to specify an MDM development project other than the default
  • Location: clear the Use default location checkbox to specify a location for the MDM development project other than the default
  • Application location: the location of the InfoSphere MDM installation
    • Configure: click this link to change the Preferences (filtered) dialog box for the Master Data Management > Code Generation > Application Location. This selection determines how the Workbench generates code for the project being created.
      • Installed application: the default selection, which is the location of the of the InfoSphere MDM installation
      • File System: select to specify a location for your OSGi bundles other than the current workspace or the default workspace. This option is only available for use with OSGi.
  • Base Java package name: name of the base Java™ package
  • Service Namespace URI: URI of the service namespace
MDM Development Project Settings dialog box:
  • Target runtime: contains a dropdown box where you can specify the target runtime environment. The installed target runtime appears in this drop down box. If you have more than one runtime installed, you can select which target runtime you want this project to use.
    • Application level settings
      • Identifier: name of the MDM Development project you are creating.
      • Database schema name: name of the database schema that contains the runtime tables.
    • New Runtime: click to create or connect to a new runtime that does not appear in the Target runtime drop down box.
      Important: If you get an error reading No supported target runtimes are available in the MDM Development Project Settings dialog box, you must click the New Runtime button to locate a WebSphere® Application Server runtime, or you must close the wizard and launch the IBM® Installation Manager to install WebSphere Application Server.
  • OSGi composite bundle membership:
    • Add module to composite: selected by default. Adds the bundle to an OSGi composite bundle.
    • Composite project: drop down box from which you can choose which OSGi composite bundle to add the MDM development project

Modifying the module model file

You can modify the module model file using the MDM development model editor. This editor provides two tabs that separate general project properties (the Overview tab) from the MDM development model itself (the Model tab). The Overview tab shows the properties supplied when the project was created. In the Overview tab's Metadata section, the following two properties define a numerical range used during code generation to allocate certain unique key values:
  • Start ID: The starting value used for allocating unique IDs.
  • Maximum offset: The maximum offset from the Start ID that can be allocated.
This range is automatically configured when the project is created to ensure that it does not conflict with other projects in the workspace. When projects are imported, you may need to manually adjust the Start ID and Maximum Offset values to ensure a unique range for each project.
Important: When you generate code for your custom projects, new identifiers (Start IDs) may be assigned to your error reasons. To verify, view the ID property in the Properties view for a selected error reason. Set the value of the ID property to the suffix of the desired identifier; for example, set the value to 30 if you want to assign the identifier 10200030.
The project also contains two other files:
  • mdmgen.xml: This ANT script is run to generate code from the module model.
  • This file allows you to set properties that affect the code generation process.

Shared resources project

When you create a project, for the first time, a shared resources project called MDMSharedResources will be created automatically. This shared resources project is created automatically when you create your first module project, or if you have an existing installation of InfoSphere MDM from which you want to generate artifacts from an mdmxmi model. This shared resource project enables any new or existing modules have a place to share and merge XSD files.
Important: Only one MDMSharedResources can exist per workspace.
The shared resources project contains the application.mdmxmi.

The application.mdmxmi file contains code generation options that apply to all the modules that are part of the same application. In particular, you can change the Identifier and set the database schema name used when generating SQL files in the application.mdmxmi file.

Also, when you create a project for the first time, the Workbench default is to associate the project that you create with a composite bundle, or .cba file. Composite bundles are used in OSGi to group associated modules together so that they can be deployed jointly to the server. You can associate a project with one or more composite bundles, or you can opt not to add a module to a composite. If there is already a composite project in the workspace it will be selected in the dropdown box in the MDM Development Project wizard, or, if there is not yet any composite project, one will be created automatically using the Base Java package name that you enter in the MDM Development Project wizard. The composite bundle does not contain code. Instead, it contains metadata in the form of a MANIFEST.MF file that lists the bundles contained by the composite bundle. Like all bundles, the composite bundle imports and exports packages, declares a version for itself, and so it has many of the same components in its manifest that a regular bundle has, but also contains a list of composite bundle contents. For example:
When you deploy a composite bundle, the Workbench .cba file that contains the constituent bundles as .jar files.

The module model file (module.mdmxmi) file contains definitions of the customizations that you are developing and is the input for code generation. Definitions of the various data additions, extensions, transactions and so on are created in this model. Additional definitions can be added to this model using the MDM development model editor. When you are you happy with the model contents, you can use the Generate code action from within the editor to generate the implementation.

Merged XSDs

When the Workbench generates code, a reference model is created in the shared resources project for the module being generated. This allows developers to share the project with other members of a development team, allowing model validation to use information from shared modules without needing to share the original module project or projects that containing all the generated code and other resources. This helps to keep workspaces small and more manageable.

During code generation in the Workbench, a builder in the MDMSharedResources project looks for application XSDs, as well as shared resources that are not explicitly part of the bundle, in order to generate a merged XSD. The MDMSharedResources project also holds a schema folder structure that contains a complete merged XSD:
  • schema
  • schema/full

A full merged schema is maintained in the shared resources project. This is composed of XSD files from the InfoSphere MDM application, as specified on the Application Location preference page, along with XSD fragments from your own modules and any modules which have reference models in the shared resources project. During module code generation, the reference model (reference.mdmxmi) is copied to the shared resources project. There is a builder in the MDMSharedResources project that notices the reference model and regenerates the XSD fragments (stored as .xsd-fragment files) from the reference models to be combined with the XSDs found in the target platform to create a single XSD in the schema/full folder. Since no XSDs are copied to the MDMSharedResources project, there should be no issues with the project contents being out-of-sync with the target platform.

If errors are encountered during code generation, problem markers are added to the project to identify which part of the bundle is causing the problem.

Last updated: 23 October 2014