Data standardizer definitions

You can define data standardizers in a module model using the model editor.

A data standardizer is a Java™ class that implements the Standardizer interface. Use this Java component to standardize entity objects before they are persisted.

The Workbench provides the facility to define the data standardizer and to generate default skeleton code. You can enhance the standardizer depending on your business requirements.

After the model editor creates the data standardizer, it generates additional associated code.

Part of the Standardizer definition, which is created automatically when you use the Workbench to create the Standardizer, is the following blueprint definition:
<service id="SSNStandardizer" interface="">
			<entry key="common.service" value=""/>
		<bean class="">
			<argument type="java.lang.Class" value=""/>
			<argument type="java.lang.Class" value="" />			
			<argument ref="blueprintBundle"/>			
where: <service-properties> (common.service) is the standardizer class name which is also defined in the STANDARDIZER table. Note that if you create a Standardizer manually, you must include this as part of the blueprint definition in addition to the current STANDARDIZER metadata:

The bean's first argument must be, which is the service interface for standardizers. The bean's second argument represents the implementation class of the standardizer. This class must implement the interface. Both and packages must be imported in the bundle.

The Workbench editor will generate the required blueprint definition once you choose to generate the code. This content will appear in <ProjectName>/BundleContent/OSGI-INF/blueprint/blueprint-generated.xml. The Workbench will create a Java file, <ProjectName>/ejbModule/<BasePackage>/standardization/<StandardizerName>.java, that contains MDM-TODO information to help you identify additional manual steps that you must take to define standardizer implementation logic and configure the custom standardizer. The Workbench will also create SQL scripts, located in <ProjectName>/resources/sql/<DbType>/, which you must run prior to deployment.

Last updated: 23 October 2014