
This transaction updates the possible answers associated to a question.
Web Services
Operation name: updateEnumeratedAnswer
Service name: DWLBusinessServices
A customer service representative (CSR) updates one of the possible answers to the question What is your risk preference? from High to Medium to High.
Usage information
An EnumeratedAnswer can only be updated if the associated Questionnaire is a Draft state. Questionnaires are considered to be in a Draft state if the StartDate is after the current date.

The EnumeratedAnswerType can be modified to change the type from one to another. This type is user-definable using the CdEnumAnswerTp code table.

The language of the EnumeratedAnswer cannot be updated.

Not applicable
Mandatory input
  • EnumeratedAnswerId
  • LanguageType
  • Answer
  • EnumeratedAnswerLastUpdateDate
  • NLSEnumeratedAnswerLastUpdateDate
Inquiry levels
Not applicable
Filter values
Not applicable
Transaction behavior
An EnumeratedAnswer is uniquely identified by the QuestionId and the LanguageType. An EnumeratedAnswer cannot be updated to change the values of these elements to be the same as those for an existing EnumeratedAnswer.

This transaction can also be used to add a new translation to an existing EnumeratedAnswer by providing the EnumeratedAnswerId and EnumeratedAnswerLastUpdateDate of the EnumeratedAnswer record.

When using this transaction to update an EnumeratedAnswer in an existing translation, the EnumeratedAnswerId, LanguageType, and NLSEnumeratedAnswerLastUpdateDate of the NLSEnumeratedAnswer record must be provided.

Request message
<TCRMTxType> updateEnumeratedAnswer

<TCRMTxObject> EnumeratedAnswerBObj

<TCRMObject> EnumeratedAnswerBObj

Response objects
Special note
Not applicable

Last updated: 5 Jun 2018