
This transaction updates the denormalization indicators to represent the specified Party's correct summary information.
Web Services
Operation name: refreshPartySummary
Service name: PartyService
This feature is turned "on" in an existing implementation. As a result, it is necessary to use this transaction to have the indicators reflect the presence of child objects.

For example, refresh the content of the summary indicator to reflect that Party has no Party Relationships currently active. Subsequently, the getParty transaction reads the content of the PartyRelIndicator and does not perform an unnecessary inquiry for this Party's Relationship data.

Usage information
The Party summary information consists of indicators that are represent the presence of the party's child objects. The content of the summary indicators can be updated by corresponding Add transactions, by corresponding Update transactions, and by the refreshPartySummary transaction.

The summary indicators are:

  • PartyPrivacyPrefIndicator
  • PartyValueIndicator
  • PartyRelIndicator
  • AccountIndicator
  • ChargeCardIndicator
  • PayrollDeductionIndicator
  • IncomeSrcIndicator
  • PartyIdIndicator
  • PartyAlertIndicator
  • AdminContEquivIndicator
  • InteractionIndicator
  • PartyAddressIndicator
  • PartyContMethIndicator
  • PartyLobRelIndicator

Indicators like IncomeSrcIndicator, AdminContEquivIndicator and InteractionIndicator are not affected by the corresponding Update transactions.

The allowed values for the Summary Indicators are:

0 Party has no active Child Object, or the child object does not exist for IncomeSrcIndicator, AdminContEquivIndicator and InteractionIndicator)

1 Party has at least one active Child Object, or the child object exists for IncomeSrcIndicator, AdminContEquivIndicator and InteractionIndicator

Note: Maintaining the content of the Party summary information relies on external rules.

Do not include a value for the PartyActiveIndicator in the request. This value is determined by the MDM operational server and will be included in the transaction return. This sets the PartyActiveIndicator apart from other indicators such as AlertIndicator, SolicitationIndicator, and ConfidentialIndicator.

Party must exist.
Mandatory input
  • TCRMPartyBObj
Inquiry levels
Not applicable
Filter values
Not applicable
Transaction behavior
The summary indicator maintenance can be turned ON or OFF at the application level.

Depending on the implementation, a client can choose to use one or more of the summary indicators.

The results of refreshPartySummary transaction are independent of the configuration settings.

Request message
<TCRMTxType> refreshPartySummary

<TCRMTxObject> TCRMPartyBObj

Response objects
Special note
Not applicable

Last updated: 5 Jun 2018