
This inquiry transaction returns the details of all existing party compliance records, based on a filter value.
Web Services
Operation name: getAllPartyCompliances
Service name: Party
The following party compliance records are stored in the system for John Smith:
  • His Social Security Number was verified using his tax return statement.
  • His residential address was verified using a telephone bill.

Retrieve all active party compliance records for John Smith using his PartyId.

Retrieve all party compliance records for John Smith that share the "RRSP Accounts" compliance type.

Usage information
Using the PartyId, this transaction returns all party compliance records, including the party compliance targets and their associated party compliance documents.

If the ComplianceType is provided, this transaction will only return the party compliance records for the given type.

This transaction supports the Pagination feature.

Not applicable
Mandatory input
  • PartyId
Inquiry levels
Not applicable
Filter values
This transaction supports filters. Valid values are:
  • ACTIVE - returns only active party compliance records.
  • INACTIVE - returns only inactive party compliance records.
  • ALL - returns all party compliance records, both active and inactive.

Filter values are case sensitive.

If the filter value is not provided or is incorrect, all records are returned by default.

Transaction behavior
Party compliance records with an EndDate after the current date are considered "active". Records with an EndDate on or before the current date are considered "inactive."
Request message
<TCRMTxType> getAllPartyCompliances

<TCRMTxObject> TCRMPartyComplianceRequestBObj

<TCRMObject> TCRMPartyComplianceRequestBObj

Response objects
List of TCRMPartyComplianceRequestBObj objects based on the filter, each with associated business objects:
Special note
Not applicable

Last updated: 5 Jun 2018