
This inquiry transaction returns all billing summary objects for a given contract component. Depending upon the inquiry level provided, the billing summary miscellaneous values are returned. In addition to the inquiry level, one or more status types can be specified to retrieve billing summaries based on their status.
Web Services
Operation name: getAllContractComponentBillingSummaries
Service name: FinancialServices
Retrieve all billing summaries or specific billing summaries based on the billing status type such as 'rejected', 'void', or 'paid for' on a term rider on a life insurance policy.
Usage information
When one or more billing status type is specified, only billing summaries of the specified status types are returned. The status types can be specified as either status type codes or status values, but not both.

If the filter input is supplied, it must be valid.

This transaction supports the Pagination feature.

Not applicable
Mandatory input
  • ContractComponentId
  • InquiryLevel
Inquiry levels
  • Level 0 - returns Billing summary business object only.
  • Level 1 - returns level 0 data plus all billing miscellaneous value business objects.
Filter values
As defined on the CDBILLINGSTTP code table, one of:
  • Billing status code types
  • Billing status code values
Transaction behavior
Not applicable
Request message
<TCRMTxType> getAllContractComponentBillingSummaries

<TCRMTxObject> TCRMBillingSummaryRequestBObj

<TCRMObject> TCRMBillingSummaryRequestBObj

Response objects
Special note
Not applicable

Last updated: 5 Jun 2018