
This inquiry transaction returns one or more category relationships where the given category is either the parent or the child category in the relationship.
Web Services
Operation name: getAllCategoryRelationships
Service name: DWLBusinessServices
Retrieve all category relationships associated with the "Investments" category in the product hierarchy of a financial services organization.
Usage information
This transaction supports the Pagination feature.
A category must exist, and have category relationships with other categories in the same category hierarchy.
Mandatory input
  • CategoryId
  • Filter
Inquiry levels
Not applicable
Filter values
The filter is mandatory for this transaction. Valid values are:
  • ACTIVE - returns all active category relationships for the given category.
  • INACTIVE - returns all inactive category relationships for the given category.
  • ALL - returns all category relationships, active or inactive, for the given category.

Filter values are not case sensitive for this transaction.

Transaction behavior
Not applicable
Request message
<InquiryType> getAllCategoryRelationships


     <tcrmParam name = "CategoryId">

     <tcrmParam name = "filter">

Response objects
Special note
Not applicable

Last updated: 5 Jun 2018