
This transaction adds an identifier for a given party. Identification information includes such details as the actual identification number, status (active, applied for, or expired), expiry date, and more.
Web Services
Operation name: addPartyIdentification
Service name: PartyService
Add a Social Security Number (SSN), a Driver's License number, a Birth Certificate number, and a Passport number for Janice Smith.
Usage information
InfoSphere® MDM manages multiple IdentificationTypes and the associated information for a party.
IdentificationStatusTypes are user-definable using code tables.
An IdentificationType that contains an end date less than or equal to the current date is considered inactive.
A Party must exist.
Mandatory input
  • PartyId
  • IdentificationType
  • IdentificationNumber or IdentificationStatusType
Inquiry levels
Not applicable
Filter values
Not applicable
Transaction behavior
If standardization for PartyIdentification is configured 'on' and the IdentificationNumber being added is a Social Security Number (SSN), then the number is standardized in the format XXX-XX-XXXX, where X is a numeral. For standardization, the value provided must be in the correct format. IdentificationNumber values that contain alphabetic characters, or those with less or more than nine numerals, are not standardized.
Request message
<TCRMTxType> addPartyIdentification

<TCRMTxObject> TCRMPartyIdentificationBObj

<TCRMObject> TCRMPartyIdentificationBObj

Response objects
Special note
Not applicable

Last updated: 5 Jun 2018