Using batch persistence to load hybrid MDM data

Using batch processing, you can persist complete entity data from virtual MDM onto physical MDM. Alternatively, you can persist only the membership information associated with the entities from virtual MDM onto physical MDM using the entity registration mode.

Note: Persisting data in physical MDM assumes that you are using the Advanced or Enterprise Edition of the InfoSphere® MDM product. The Standard Edition does not include physical MDM capabilities.

You can use batch persistence for the initial load of your hybrid MDM data as well as for incremental load and updates after initial load.

Using the batch processor for persistence, data stewards can persist data of a single entity type, persist data that contains entities of multiple entity types, or create entity registration records in physical MDM. This section includes examples for creating the appropriate batch job to meet your needs.

With a user interface that is included with IBM® Stewardship Center, you can view and fix data quality issues that occur when you run the persistEntity service. The interface presents a list of data quality issues with details about each issue, such as an incorrect birthdate or a missing field. For issues that require changes to virtual MDM source systems, you can send emails to the administrators of the source system with embedded information about the particular issues.