Understanding task management activity flow

The task management feature provides the generic transactions to create and maintain the lifecycle of a task, and to manage the task list in the system.

To maintain the lifecycle of a task, be familiar with status process. The following task status transition diagram shows the task status process:
A graphical representation of the task status process.
The activities related to task management are as follows:
  • create—Calls the addTask transaction to create a task.
  • assign—Calls the updateTask transaction with an assign action to set the owner in a task.
  • unassign—Calls the updateTask transaction with an unassign action to empty the owner in a task.
  • reassign—Calls the updateTask transaction with an reassign action to set a different owner in a task.
  • save—Calls the updateTask transaction with a save action to save data changes in a task.
  • submit—Calls the updateTask transaction with a submit action to complete a task.
  • approve—Calls the updateTask transaction with a approve action to complete an approval task.
  • reject—Calls the updateTask transaction with a reject action to complete an approval task. The previous task is returned to the previous task owner with a status of returned.
  • delete—Calls the updateTask transaction with a delete action to inactivate a task.
In addition to the task lifecycle operations, users can also update other information associated with a task, including process ID, task priority, task due date, task owner, task owner role, and entities associated with the task using the following transactions:
  • updateTask—Calls the updateTask transaction to update the task information, including the following:
    • Task priority
    • Task due date
    • Task owner
    • Task owner role
    • Process ID
    • Associated entities
  • updateMultipleTasks—Calls the updateMultipleTasks transaction with a list of tasks to update
  • addTaskComment—Calls the addTaskComment transaction to add a comment regarding a task.
  • updateTaskComment—Calls the updateTaskComment transaction to update a comment regarding a task.
Task management provides the following transactions to retrieve task information in the system:
  • getTask–Calls the getTask transaction to get the task info at the given inquiry level:
    • 0—Indicates the basic task information, plus information in the associated workbasket which contains the entity list
    • 1—Indicates level 0 information plus all associated task comments
  • searchTask—Calls the searchTask transaction to retrieve a list of tasks at the given inquiry level that match the give search criteria, which can be one or more of the following attributes:
    • Task name
    • Task owner
    • Task status (zero or more)
    • Task category type
    • Task due date (including the start and end dates)
    • Maximum results

    This transaction supports pagination.

  • getAllTaskCommentsByEntity—Calls the getAllTaskCommentsByEntity to retrieve all task comments associated with tasks that include the given entity. This transaction supports pagination.
  • getAllTaskCommentsByEntityAndCreator—Calls the getAllTaskCommentsByEntityAndCreator to retrieve all task comments created by the given creator and associated with tasks that include the given entity. This transaction supports pagination.