Customizing response processing

InfoSphere® MDM enables you to customize the behavior of the Messaging Adapter's response processing for inbound JMS messages. This customizable behavior is implemented using an external rule.

MessageResponseProcessor rule
The MessageResponseProcessor rule is an abstract class that outlines response processing functions that are called by the Messaging Adapter. This abstract class is made available in the CommonExternalRule project, and has the following methods:
This method provides the content of the outbound message.
This method provides information about the destination queue to which the response message will be posted. This method returns a HashMap, populated in the following format:
Value1 = <JNDI name of the Queue Connection Factory for outbound messages>

Value2 = <JNDI name of the outbound message queue>


Value2 = javax.jms.<Queue object that points to the outbound message destination>
This method gets called only in error scenarios. This method checks the error and then decides whether the Messaging Adapter should reprocess the inbound message or not. If the message should be reprocessed (retry), then the Messaging Adapter will re-invoke the DWLServiceController for the given inbound message.