Understanding time zone changes for Web Services

The multi time zone deployment feature includes the facility to enable Web Services to handle situations when the application server is deployed in multiple time zones.

In the JAX-RPC layer of the Web Services, timestamp fields are converted from GMT to the application server time zone in the request flow, and then are converted back to GMT in the response flow. Without the multi time zone deployment feature enabled, this process causes an issue when the application server is deployed in multiple time zones.

To resolve this issue, the multi time zone deployments feature introduces two APIs in the ConversionUtil class. These APIs are called when the transfer object is converted to a business object in a request, and again when the business object is converted back to a transfer object in a response:
  • ConversionUtil.convertToString(Calendar cal, DWLControl control) – This API is called in the request flow when a transfer object is converted to a business object. This method converts a calendar object to a string. As part of the conversion, this method converts the timestamp value from the application sever time zone to the requesterTimeZone.
  • ConversionUtil.convertToCalendar(String stringVal, DWLControl control) – This API is called in the response flow when the business object is converted to a transfer object. This method converts the string object to a calendar object. As part of the conversion, this method converts the timestamp value from the requesterTimeZone element to the application server time zone.
The two APIs are called when the transfer object is converted to and from business objects in requests and responses