
This transaction adds a new inquiry level query to a persistent data store for a given inquiry level. Inquiry level queries encapsulate pluggable SQL statements that can be used in conjunction with an inquiry level.
Web Services
Operation name: addInqLevelQuery
Service name: DWLAdminServices
Add an Inquiry Level Query for inquiry level 100 for the 'Person' group and Inquiry Query Type 0 (base query). This will generate the corresponding SQL statements and create and persist a standard record for the base query.
Usage information
Inquiry level queries are stored in the InqLvlQuery table, which associates an inquiry level query to an inquiry level.

The InqLvlQuery table also stores generated SQL statements for the Pluggable SQL feature. Each inquiry level entry stores two queries corresponding to a standard SQL statement and a history SQL statement.

Inquiry Level must exist
Mandatory input
  • InquiryLevelId
  • InqLevelType
  • BusinessTxType
  • SqlStatement
Inquiry levels
Not applicable
Filter values
Not applicable
Transaction behavior
Not applicable
Request message
<DWLTxType> addInqLevelQuery

<DWLTxObject> InqLevelQueryBObj

<DWLObject> InqLevelQueryBObj

Response objects
Special note
Not applicable

Last updated: 23 October 2014