Configuring the WSRR provided plug-ins

Some of the WSRR provided plug-ins are required for correct WSRR behavior, and some are optional. All are installed by default.

The following plug-in classes are provided:
Table 1. Validator plug-in type
Plug-in class name and function Required/ Optional Where installed

Provides support for WSRR document templating operations.

Required validators section of the ValidationProperties configuration file.

Prevents the content of certain document types from being updated. This ensures that the logical-model elements associated with the document in WSRR cannot be accidentally deleted. To change the content of a document that has associated logical-model elements, the document must be deleted and re-created.

Optional validators section of the ValidationProperties configuration file.

Provides support for the WSRR governance operations.

Required governanceValidators section of the ValidationProperties configuration file.

Provides control of the operations that can be performed on specific entities in WSRR, based on the metadata (properties, relationships and classifications) that is attached to those entities.

See the "Governance policy validator" subtopic here for full details.

Optional validators and governanceValidators sections of the ValidationProperties configuration file.

Provides support for WSRR extended business modelling operations.

Required validators section of the ValidationProperties configuration file.

Provides support for the WebSphere MQ integration feature.

Optional validators section of the ValidationProperties configuration file.

Prevents accidental deletion of objects in WSRR that store details of the mappings between WSRR entities and UDDI entities.

Required validators section of the ValidationProperties configuration file.

Provides support for integration with WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus.

Optional validators section of the ValidationProperties configuration file.

Provides support for policy set functions.

Optional governanceValidators section of the ValidationProperties configuration file.
Table 2. Modifier plug-in type
Plug-in class name and function Required/ Optional Where installed

Provides support for integration with WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus.

Optional The Modifiers section of the ModificationProperties configuration file..

Provides support for integration with WebSphere MQ.

Optional The Modifiers section of the ModificationProperties configuration file.

The WSRR correlator.

Required The Modifiers section of the ModificationProperties configuration file.

The WSRR SCA correlator.

Required The Modifiers section of the ModificationProperties configuration file.

The WSRR configurable modifier.

Required Both the Modifiers section and the GovernanceModifier section of the ModificationProperties configuration file.

Provides support for integration with Tivoli Change and Configuration Management Database.

Optional The Modifiers section of the ModificationProperties configuration file.

Provides support for promotion of objects as a result of lifecycle transitions.

Required The GovernanceModifiers section of the ModificationProperties configuration file.
Table 3. Notifier plug-in type
Plug-in class name and function Required/ Optional Where installed

Provides support for publishing WSRR notification events to JMS topics.

Required Both the notifiers section and the governanceNotifiers section of the NotificationProperties configuration file.

Provides support for integration with Rational Asset Manager.

Optional Both the notifiers section and the governanceNotifiers section of the NotificationProperties configuration file.

Provides support for integration with Tivoli Change and Configuration Management Database.

Optional The governanceNotifiers section of the NotificationProperties configuration file.

Provides support for approval process integration.

Optional The governanceNotifiers section of the NotificationProperties configuration file.

The provided plug-ins are described in detail in the following subtopics: