Actions file

The configurable modifier actions file defines an action configuration containing a set of actions to be performed if the associated set of trigger conditions, as defined in the configurable modifier triggers file, is satisfied.

You create a separate actions file for each action configuration.

The configurable modifier actions file has the following structure:
<action-configuration name=action_configuration_name>
  ... action definitions ...
The action-configuration element has the following attribute:
The name of the action configuration.
Within the action-configuration element, you specify subelements that define the actions to be performed. There are separate subelements for each of the following types of action:
  • Creating an object.
  • Updating one or more objects.
  • Deleting one or more objects.
  • Making one or more objects governable.
  • Applying a state transition to one or more objects.
  • Removing governance from one or more objects.
  • Creating a subscription object.
Descriptions of these subelements, and an example actions file, are provided in the following subtopics (you must specify at least one of these subelements; they can be in any order, and will run in the order you specify).
Note: Configurable triggers and actions are extremely flexible, and it is possible to design actions which result in a cyclic loop. For example: a modifier trigger is created which fires when a particular property field is updated to a specified value on an object. The triggered action is to create a new object and relate it back to the original object. Creating the new relationship requires updating the original object again. The property field value of the original object has not changed, and so the modifier trigger is fired again, resulting in an unhelpful loop being set up. This is only one example; there are many possible configurations that might inadvertently activate a trigger that you do not want to be activated. This sort of behaviour can be avoided by remembering that any of the triggers can discriminate by properties, classifications and relationships, including both source and target objects of a relationship. You must ensure that these trigger criteria are sufficiently restrictive.