Val function (LotusScript Language)

Returns the numeric value represented by a string.


Val ( stringExpr )



Any string expression that LotusScript® can interpret as a numeric value. It can contain any of the following kinds of characters.

Return value

Val returns the converted part of stringExpr as a Double.


Val strips out spaces, tabs, carriage returns, and newlines from stringExpr. It starts converting from the beginning of the string and stops when it encounters a character other than those listed for stringExpr in the preceding list.

Note: If the string being evaluated is a hexidecimal number between 8000 and FFFF, both the prefix (&H) and suffix (&) must be used. Hexidecimal numbers between 0 and 7FFF may use just the prefix (&H) or both the prefix (&H) and suffix (&).

Language cross-reference

@TextToNumber function in formula language


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