Let statement (LotusScript Language)

Assigns a value to a variable.


[ Let ] variableID = expr



Optional. The Let statement is chiefly useful as a means of documenting an assignment statement. The absence of the Let keyword has no effect on the assignment.


A variable or variable element to which the value of expr is assigned. variableID can be of any data type that LotusScript® recognizes, other than an object reference, an array, or a list. variableID can take any of these forms:


Any expression except one whose value is an object reference. The expr must be of the same data type as variableID, or else must be convertible to the data type of variableID. The rules for data type conversion determine how (if at all) LotusScript converts the value of expr before assigning it to variableID.


LotusScript assigns the value of expr to the variable or variable element named by variableID.

Do not use the Let statement to assign an object reference to a variable. Use the Set statement to do that.


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