Chr function (LotusScript Language)

Returns the character represented by a value interpreted as a locale-sensitive character code.


Chr[$] ( numExpr )



A numeric expression of data type Long in the range 0-255. If LotusScript® is running on a native ASCII platform, the value is interpreted as a character code in the platform-native character set. If LotusScript is running on an EBCDIC platform, the value is interpreted as the character code for the ASCII equivalent in the platform's current locale. In either case, only single-byte ASCII values are valid.

Return value

Chr returns the character corresponding to the value of numExpr.

Chr returns the ANSI platform-specific character corresponding to the value of numExpr.

Chr returns a Variant of DataType 8 (String). Chr$ returns a String.


If the value of numExpr contains a fraction, LotusScript rounds the value before using it.

The following table lists the ASCII characters. The head of each column is the value of the first character in the column in decimal.

000  016  032  048  064  080  096  112
NUL  DLE  SPC   0    @    P    `    p
SOH  DC1   !    1    A    Q    a    q
STX  DC2   "    2    B    R    b    r
ETX  DC3   #    3    C    S    c    s
EOT  DC4   $    4    D    T    d    t
ENQ  NAK   %    5    E    U    e    u
ACK  SYN   &    6    F    V    f    v
BEL  ETB   '    7    G    W    g    w
BS   CAN   (    8    H    X    h    x
TAB  EM    )    9    I    Y    i    y
LF   SUB   *    :    J    Z    j    z
VT   ESC   +    ;    K    [    k    {
FF   FS    ,    <    L    \    l    |
CR   GS    -    =    M    ]    m    }
SO   RS    .    >    N    ^    n    ~
SI   US    /    ?    O    _    o   DEL


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