@Like (Formula Language)

Matches a string with a pattern. It is case-sensitive and supports the NotesSQL ODBC driver.


@Like( string ; pattern ) @Like( string ; pattern ; escape )



Text or text list. The value to be tested to see if it matches pattern.


Text or text list. The sequence of characters to search for within string. May also contain any of the wildcard characters listed as follows.


Text. Optional. A character to use before a wildcard character to indicate that it should be treated literally.

Wildcard characters and symbols are:


Where C is any character. Matches any single, non-special character C.


(Underscore). Matches any single character.


Matches any sequence of zero or more characters.

Return value




If either parameter is a list, the function returns 1 if any element of the first parameter is like any element of the second parameter.


  1. This example returns 0. The underscore matches only a single character.
    @Like( "A big test" ; "A_test" )
  2. This example returns 1. The five underscores match "<space>big<space>."
     @Like( "A big test" ; "A_____test" )
  3. This example returns 1. The % matches "A big ."
    @Like( "A big test" ; "%test" ) 
  4. This example returns 1 because the match is true for one element of the first parameter.
    @Like( "A big test" : "A big exam" ; "%test" )
  5. This example returns 0. @Like is case-sensitive.
    @Like( "A big test" ; "A BIG test" )
  6. This example returns 1. The first percent matches "100." The "/%" matches the percent sign because "/" is specified as the escape character. The last percent matches "ement."
    @Like( "A 100% improvement" ; "A %/% improv%" ; "/" )

Language cross-reference

Like operator of LotusScript® language

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