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IBM Lotus Domino Designer 8.5
  Versions 8.5 and 8.5.1

Examples: CreateXSLTransformer method

This agent transforms FOO.XML using FOO.XSL. The output of the transformation is text written to FOO.TXT.

Sub Initialize

Dim session As New NotesSession
filename$ = "foo"

Dim xmlin As NotesStream
Set xmlin=session.CreateStream
If Not xmlin.Open("c:\dxl\" & filename$ & ".xml") Then
Messagebox "Cannot open " & filename$,, "Error"
Exit Sub
End If
If xmlin.Bytes = 0 Then
Messagebox "File did not exist or was empty",, filename$
Exit Sub
End If

Dim xslin As NotesStream
Set xslin=session.CreateStream
If Not xslin.Open("c:\dxl\" & filename$ & ".xsl") Then
Messagebox "Cannot open " & filename$,, "Error"
Exit Sub
End If
If xslin.Bytes = 0 Then
Messagebox "File did not exist or was empty",, filename$
Exit Sub
End If

Dim xmlout As NotesStream
Set xmlout=session.CreateStream
Call xmlout.Open("c:\dxl\" & filename$ & ".txt")
Call xmlout.Truncate

Dim transformer As NotesXSLTransformer
Set transformer=session.CreateXSLTransformer(xmlin, xslin, _
Call transformer.Process
End Sub
Related topics
CreateXSLTransformer method

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Last updated: Monday, October 5, 2009