Modifying email messages

You can modify the notification emails that the repository sends when assets are updated.

Before you begin

You must be a repository administrator to modify email messages.

If you need a tool for creating or extracting jar files, you can download the Rational® Asset Manager archive tool. For information about locating and using the archive tool, see Creating and opening asset archives by using the asset archive tool.


  1. In the web client, click Administration.
  2. In the Repository Administration sidebar, click Tools.
  3. In the Customize Emails section, click Download Current Custom Email.
  4. Save the defaultEmails.jar file to an accessible location for editing.
  5. Extract the defaultEmails.jar file.
  6. Open to the extract_location/com/ibm/ram/repostitory/mail folder.
  7. With a text editor, open the file. For example, to edit the English file, open the file.
    Note: Use the file that is not language-specific as a backup file. Copy the content from the language file into the generic file. If the language file cannot be found, the file is used instead.
  8. Modify the values with the following restrictions.
    • Do not change the names of the properties to the left of the equal sign (=). For more information about property descriptions, see the Table of available properties for email messages.
    • You can use HTML for the body of emails. However, not every email client reads HTML or renders HTML code as you might expect.
    • Do not use HTML for subjects.
    • Many of the strings use variables to add in information, such as the name of the asset. Usually, these variables are written in a numeric style, such as "{0}". These numeric variables change meaning depending on which property they are used with. Check the default template for the meaning of property-specific numeric variables.
    • To insert dynamic information, such as the name or lifecycle state of the asset, you can use several additional variables. For a list of dynamic variables, see the Table of available variables for email messages.
  9. Save the modified .properties file.
  10. With the edited defaultEmails folder, create an archive file that has the .jar extension.
  11. Upload the modified defaultEmails.jar file to the repository:
    1. In the web client, click Administration.
    2. Click Tools.
    3. In the Customize Emails section, under "Upload customized email files,"click Browse, then select the modified defaultEmails.jar file.
    4. Click Upload.
  12. Stop and then restart the application server or cell. After the application server starts again, the repository uses the .properties files that you uploaded.

What to do next

To restore the default email messages template, in the web client click Administration > Tools. In the Customize Emails section, click Restore the default email.
