IBM PureData System for Analytics, Version 7.1

External table options

When you create an external table definition, you can specify options that control processing for records, fields, and for the load operation itself. There are different types of options: some are for records/rows, some are for fields, and some are for loads. Use these options when loading from an external table or when using the external table directly in a SQL query.

Note: The best method to verify that the load processing has been successful is to review the errors, if any, in the nzlog and nzbad files. Check these files occasionally during and after the load operations.
The following table lists the external table options, their values, and data types. The sections after the table describe each option. In the Valid formats column, Text indicates the text-delimited format and Fixed is the fixed-length format. In the Data type column, enumeration indicates that the system accepts a specified set of quoted or unquoted string values.
Table 1. External table options
Option Valid formats Values Default Unload Y/N Data type
BoolStyle Text, Fixed 1_0/T_F/Y_N… NULL, 1_0 Y enumeration
Compress Text, Fixed True/False False Y boolean
CRinString Text, Fixed True/False NULL, False Y boolean
CtrlChars Text, Fixed True/False NULL, False N boolean
DataObject Text, Fixed Existing file path No default Y file name
DateDelim Text, Fixed 1 byte NULL, "-" Y string
DateStyle Text, Fixed YMD/MDY/DMY… NULL, YMD Y enumeration
DecimalDelim Text, Fixed 1 byte ‘.’ Y string
Delimiter Text 1 byte NULL, "|" Y string
Encoding Text Internal/Latin9/Utf8 NULL, Internal Y enumeration
EscapeChar Text 1 byte NULL Y string
FillRecord Text True/False NULL, False N boolean
Format Text, Fixed Text/Internal/Fixed Text Y enumeration
IgnoreZero Text True/False NULL, False N boolean
IncludeZeroSeconds Text True/False NULL, False Y boolean
Layout Text, Fixed Zone definitions NULL, Inherit N none
LogDir Text, Fixed existing dir path NULL, /tmp N string
MaxErrors Text, Fixed >=0 NULL,1 N integer
MaxRows Text, Fixed >=0 NULL, 0 N integer
NullValue Text, Fixed 4 bytes NULL, "NULL" Y string
QuotedValue Text No/Yes/Single/Double NULL, No N enumeration
RecordDelim Text, Fixed 4 bytes NULL, /newline N string
RecordLength Fixed Integer/Zone-ref expr NULL N integer
RemoteSource Text, Fixed ODBC/JDBC/OLE-DB NULL Y enumeration
RequireQuotes Text True/False NULL, False N boolean
SkipRows Text, Fixed >=0 NULL, 0 N bigint
SocketBufSize Text, Fixed 64 KB - 2 GB 8 MB Y integer
TimeDelim Text, Fixed 1 byte NULL, ":" Y string
TimeRoundNanos TimeExtraZeros Text True/False NULL, False N boolean
TimeStyle Text, Fixed 24hour/12hour NULL, 24hour Y enumeration
TruncString Text True/False NULL, False N boolean
Y2Base Text, Fixed >=0 NULL, 0 N integer

Feedback | Copyright IBM Corporation 2014 | Last updated: 2014-02-28