IBM PureData System for Analytics, Version 7.1

Miscellaneous functions family syntax

The syntax for the inverse distribution functions family is as follows:
width_bucket(<expression>,<beginning of range>, <end of range>, 
<number of buckets>)
This function is used to create equi-width histograms. It takes a range and divides it into equi-width intervals, where the number of intervals is specified by num-buckets. It returns the bucket to which the expression belongs. Each bucket is a half-closed interval [a, b) on the real line.
  • If the expression is less than the beginning, it is assigned to an underflow bucket (zero).
  • If the expression is greater than the end, it is assigned to the bucket numbuckets+1.
  • All the arguments evaluate to a numeric value and num-buckets evaluate to an integral constant.

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