Migrating to Version 10.2.1 with ARCH_LEVEL 1021 (z/OS)

When you install the Q Replication technology in InfoSphere® Data Replication for DB2® for z/OS® Version 10.2.1, you must migrate the Q Capture control tables to the 1021 architecture level to match the Q Capture code base and the Q Apply control tables to the 1021 architecture level to match the Q Apply code base.

About this task

The Version 10.2.1 Q Capture program can still work with a Q Apply program at architecture level 1001, and the Version 10.2.1 Q Apply program can still work with a Q Capture program at architecture level 1001. If the Q Apply program has an ARCH_LEVEL value of 1001, the Q Capture compatibility value must be 1001.

If you are using an older level of Q Replication, you might need to run one or more of the following migration jobs to prepare for migrating to the 1021 architecture level:

  • SASNSAMP(ASNQMZ10) to bring the control tables to the 100Z level
  • SASNSAMP(ASNQ1001) to migrate from ARCH_LEVEL 100Z to Version 10.1 architecture level 1001. You can optionally run the verification job SASNSAMP(ASNV1001) to make sure that all control tables are correctly updated to the 1001 level. The job is a script that you can run by using SPUFI.

The job to migrate from Version 10.1 architecture level 1001 to architecture level 1021, SASNSAMP(ASNQ1021), makes these changes:

  • Creates three new Q Apply control tables to support the synchronized apply feature
  • Adds columns to existing control tables and alters some column data types
  • Converts the log sequence number (LSN) data in the IBMQREP_TABVERSION and IBMQREP_COLVERSION tables to the new data format to support V10.2.1 features
For CCD target tables:

Note the following rules for CCD tables in Version 10.2.1:

  • For CCD targets, the COMPATIBILITY column must be set to 1021 or 1001
  • If the Q Capture program is at ARCH_LEVEL 1021:
    • It always sends 16-byte log sequence numbers.
    • At compatibility 1001 it always sends 10-byte UOWIDs
    • At compatibility 1021 it sends 12 byte UOWIDs if the Q Capture server is DB2 11 for z/OS and 10-byte UOWIDs if the Q Capture server is DB2 10 for z/OS


  1. Shut down the Q Capture and Q Apply tasks.
  2. Follow these steps to run the SASNSAMP(ASNQ1021) sample job to migrate the control tables to architecture level 1021:
    1. Locate the sample in the SASNSAMP partitioned data set. The sample includes SQL statements for migrating Q Capture and Q Apply control tables.
    2. Add a valid job card.
    3. Edit the sample to replace the following names:
      • !DSNx to the name of your DB2 subsystem
      • DSNTIA!! to the plan name for DSNTIAD on your DB2 subsystem
      • DSN!!0 to the prefix of the target library for DB2
      • !CSH to the name of your Q Capture schema
      • !ASH to the name of your Q Apply schema
      • !APPDB to the name of the database that contains the Q Apply control tables
      • !APPTSQ, !APPTSR, and !APPTSS to the name of new or existing table spaces in the database that contains the Q Apply control tables
    4. Run the statements that pertain to the Q Capture control tables. These statements start with //MIGQCAP1 EXEC PGM=IKJEFT01,DYNAMNBR=20 and end with these lines:
        WHERE SUBSTR(LSN,10,1) = X'00'
        AND LENGTH(LSN) = 10;
    5. Run the statements that pertain to the Q Apply control tables. These statements start with //MIGQAPP1 EXEC PGM=IKJEFT01,DYNAMNBR=20 and end with these lines:
  3. Optional: For the IBMQREP_EXCEPTIONS table, the V10.2.1 Q Apply program supports the TEXT column with a data type of VARCHAR instead of CLOB. You might see improved manageability and performance with the VARCHAR data type. To make this change you must drop and recreate the table by running the SQL statements in the ASNQ1021 sample job that begin with //* DROP AUXILIARY TABLE !ASH.XTIBMQREP_EXCEPTI; and end with //* ERASE NO FREEPAGE 5 CLOSE NO COPY NO COMPRESS NO ;.
  4. After both the Q Capture and Q Apply control tables are migrated, set the value of the COMPATIBILITY column in the IBMQREP_CAPPARMS table to 1021 by using the following SQL statement:
  5. Optional: If you migrated from ARCH_LEVEL 100Z, start Q Capture with the lsn=log_sequence_number or override_restartq=y option the first time that you start the program on Version 10.2.1.
Restriction: To administer a replication environment that is at ARCH_LEVEL 1021, you must use a replication administration client that is at Version 10.1 Fix Pack 4 or Version 10.5 Fix Pack 3 or later.