Impromptu User Help  7.5.0
Complex Reports > Export a Report in Excel Format >

Eliminate Overlapping Objects in Excel Reports

Similar to HTML report output, you cannot layer objects in Excel report output. When one object overlaps another, even only partly, the object that appears behind another object does not export to Excel.

For more information about how overlapping objects are exported, see Eliminate Overlapping Objects in a Report.

If you create Excel reports and warnings appear or you discover that some objects are missing, check your Impromptu reports for overlapping objects.

You can also check the log file to see if anything was discarded.

Tip: A log file is generated in the same folder as the Excel output. If the report name is MyReport, the log file name is MyReport_Warning.txt.

  1. Open a report.

  2. Resize or move objects so that none overlap.