
Controls are basic user interface artifacts such as text fields, date time pickers, and buttons.

IBM® Business Process Manager provides a number of controls. These controls are implemented as coach views, which means that they have the same data binding, variable definition, properties, and layout implementation as other coach views. However, because they are part of IBM Business Process Manager, the controls are read only. You can use them but you cannot modify their definition. Like other coach views, you can modify instances by using configuration properties and by overriding default styling, for example.

For each control, the data binding is optional. However, if you define a binding for an instance, it must match the type in the control definition. A warning displays if the business object type does not match the type of the data binding that is defined for the coach view. In each control topic, the business object binding table lists the business object type that is defined for the control.

For each control instance, the configuration properties are optional. If you want to override the default value, you can provide a specific value or you assign a variable. As a convenience, you can also expose the configuration property to any coach view or coach in a human service that contains your view. Exposing the configuration property creates a configuration option in the current view with matching binding. You do not have to create the configuration option and bind it.