Migrating business data and applications to IBM Business Process Manager V8.5.5

You can migrate your business data and applications from an earlier version of IBM® Business Process Manager or from WebSphere® Process Server or WebSphere Lombardi Edition. This migration method requires downtime and involves a database upgrade.

Use this migration method for your staging (to test the migration) and your production environments. Use artifact migration for your development and test environments.

This migration method includes the following high-level tasks:
  1. Install the new product version.
  2. Export configuration information from the source environment.
  3. Configure the target environment with the IBM BPM Configuration editor using the properties file that was exported.
  4. Create the target environment.
  5. Upgrade the existing databases.

This migration method requires downtime. There is no fixed formula to estimate the time in advance because the amount of downtime depends on a number of factors, such as the number of process instances, tasks, users, groups, durable subscriptions, and tracking groups, the size of your data, and the execution context. Before you run migration, consider removing data that you no longer need to keep, such as completed process instances that are more than thirty days old and performance data that is more than thirty days old.